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Provence products?

I use both Provence Santé Shaving Soap and Provence Santé Verlaine Aftershave. The former is the most moisturizing shaving soap I own. The latter...well...I'm not too fond of the scent. I should have opted for the Green Tea.
I use PDP soap. It was my favorite soap both for lather and scent until I got my Speick stick..not it is #2.

Really a fine soap with a pleasant mild sage/woods scent. It scrubs up to a nice thick cream on my brush and lathers great on my face.

I will likely always have this soap in my rotation.
Got the Verlaine aftershave for Fathers Day. Very moisturizing--a little goes a long way. I like the scent (sort of linden tree effect) but it's quite prominent. You'd probably want to try a sample before committing.

- Chris
Provence Santé Shaving Soap is easily my favourite soap in my rotation of Tabac, Proraso, Spieck, and Mitchell's Wool Fat. It seems to work best for me.
I assume you mean Pre de Provence or Provence Sante? I have used Provence Sante soap and didn't care for it, found it overpriced and underperforms.

I like Pre de Provence soap, it's great, and the balm is super, too. Although I will not replace the balm, I don't think. The smell is a little less appealing to me than Proraso balm or my favourite Gentlemen's Refinery unscented balm (except for the container... grrr).

Provence Sante and Pre de Provence are both good soaps. I like Provence Sante more because I prefer the scent, but both make a great lather and shave wonderfully...
I like both Pre de Provence and Provence Sante. Both are good quality and lather well. I prefer the scent of PdP over PS. The scent of PS seems a little over-the-top for me and seems to linger for a few hours. While the scent of PdP seems clean, manly, and fades quickly. PdP also makes a great soap for traveling because of the container.

The reason I ask, is my sister owns a spa and stocks, and can order, these products. Of course, she sells them to me at cost, which is 60% of retail. Anymore recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks.
Has any one hear used the cream? it is a little on the pricey side - $18 for a 2.5 oz tube, but the smell isn't bad, and wondered how it lathers.
The reason I ask, is my sister owns a spa and stocks, and can order, these products. Of course, she sells them to me at cost, which is 60% of retail. Anymore recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks.

At that deal I would get both the PDP and the Sante and try them out.

I still rank PDP soap ahead of TABAC for shaving as I find the scent so much more interesting...shave quality is pretty close for me but I suppose I would have to give a couple of points to TABAC for its lather quality.

I have wanted to get a tube of the balm and the cream...at 60% off I would do that too.
I've never tried Provence Sante's products, but the PDP aftershave balm is in my regular rotation. I'd highly recommend it, and at 60% off retail you'd be getting an amazing deal.

I must admit I have never used Provence products. Today I finally broke down and ordered the shave soap. Not that I need another soap, really, but being a gentleman shaver, I cannot help the streak of madness.




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I ordered the provence sante soap from WCS, and it just arrived, but the terracota bowl was in 4 pieces :sad:

That sucks... You could probably get a partial refund for it?
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