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Proraso a/s splash

i've just started using the alum block and proraso a/s splash after my electric (only while i map out my beard's hair growth and wait for a weekend to try my new DE razor out)

i love the feel of the alum block :biggrin:

and the smell of the a/s splash is gorgeous, but only lasts until about noon. is this normal? if so, if there another product with a similar scent that lasts longer?

many thanks
I've had the Proraso A/S splash for about a month now. At first, I wasn't a fan but it's grown on me. Great scent but you are correct, it's not terribly long lasting. I don't know of something similarly scented that lasts longer. Too bad that they don't have a cologne with the same scent.
I've not tried to milk the scent for that long, but today I tried the Floris Santal AS and I can't smell it any more. I think it's normal performance in an AS. Having said that, the Proraso is among my favorite performing ASes. I just scored a couple of other great ASes that will I look forward to comparing to the Proraso.
FWIW, I think that the whole idea of aftershave is to do nice things to your post-shave skin, and if it smells good and hangs around for a while too, all the better - but not necessary. If I'm looking for a longer-legged scent, I choose a cologne or EdT to compliment my AS.

I love Proraso, but, like you, I find that it's "half-life" is pretty short. For me, it's more like minutes rather than hours. No matter though - the Proraso has done its soothing work, and besides, that's what colognes and EdT's are for. I often finish off a Proraso AS shave with Bowling Green EdT and like that combo, but just about anything can be layered over it since it stays around for such a short time. Another one of my choices would be one of the C.O. Bigelow Barber Elixir colognes found in your local B&BW. I've even used Domenica bay rum after Proraso, and it worked pretty well. Have fun and experiment!

And, Gregdreg - sadly, I don't know of any cologne or Edt that has the Proraso scent. Perhaps someone with more experience will be able to help you there.

As with all things B&B, though...YMMV. Skin chemistry varies so much from person to person that longevity - and even scent itself - varies wildly with the same product. Still, it's not the end of the world if you try layering something over your Proraso and it doesn't work for you- unless you're going right into an important meeting afterwards! Good luck, and keep us posted.
Actually, now I prefer A/S that soothes the skin and has a scent that dies fast, so I can apply the Cologne.

Only A/S that I have personally used that stayed around for awhile were Pinaud Bay Rum, and believe it or not Barbasol Brisk.
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