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*Proper Glassware*

Like most people, I enjoy a cold beer from time to time. And when I do, nothing makes the experience more enjoyable than serving it in the proper glassware.

You wouldn't drink wine out of the bottle or out of a plastic cup, so why should a great German wheat beer not be in a Weizen Glass? :lol:

Below is a fantastic site with info on the types of beer glasses out there, and what kind of beers to put in what.

For us who want that "barbershop experience" at home, try having that brewery experience in your own kitchen.

I have about a half a dozen or so different glasses for Belgian beer and I enjoy using them. Some are singles but I have at least 4 each for Duvel and Chimey -- two of my favorites.
Great resource! I experienced the different glassware types a few years back when I traveled to Germany for business. I have to say, a crisp Kolsch in the proper glass was one of the best beers I had while visiting.
Didn't see pewter tankards on that list of drinking vessels! That's what I use most. My favourite is made by Liberty for the RMS Queen Elizabeth, which was the very early days before she became SS.

They are handy when out with the morris team as the pub doesn't mind when you wander off to the next pub with a tankard full of best!

There's something about beer in stemware that just seems wrong to me. I don't know why.

I guess it depends on the beer for me. I'm not going to bother putting a Bud Lite Lime in a glass on a hot summer day (yes I admit I drink that), but the Organic Farmhouse Ale that costs $12 a bottle - that's going in the proper glass.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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I usually drink my beer in a tulip or snifter glass...

I'm a Belgian ale fan... specially triple...
I have about 3 shelves of beer glasses and try to use them all. It's a good thing I like almost every style of beer.
You can go really far with pairing specific beer in a specific glass. My #1 rule of thumb is not using a shaker glass as a beer vessel. Its the worst thing beer can be served in. Its shape isn't conducive to foam, the proper amount of beer or holding in aromatics.

My go to glass is a Mason Jar. As backwoods as it sounds, mason jars are wide all the way through, have enough room for 12 oz and head, and old aromatics in beautifully. I also have a goblet and tulip glass I use for Belgains and other more aromatic beer.
It is nice to see someone else appreciate the differences in glasses for beer. It is astounding to to a side by side with the same beer in different glasses, and to see how different they are.

I find it amazing that Reidel has made a fortune selling wine glasses for each individual varietal of wine, but they haven't branched out into beer. It almost as if they're ignoring a sizable portion of their market.
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