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pro glide challenge



just dont understand why dont he have to break stuff and the toilet doors, just to advertise a product.
Don't blame Gillette on making money by using advertising methods which work well for the majority of society.

As there are places like B&B where the quiet ‘minority’ gathers.
I fully intend to try it. I have already asked my wife, the coupon champion, to keep an eye out for a good deal. I won't pay full price for it, though.


I fully intend to try it. I have already asked my wife, the coupon champion, to keep an eye out for a good deal. I won't pay full price for it, though.

the free give away week is over, brother
I got mine in the mail today. someone I follow on twitter was giving the link to get it. I got it actually becuase my wife likes using the Mach 3 on her legs, so I got it for her for her legs.. lol.. She plans on using it tomorrow and tellng me how it does
I've tried the Gillette Fusion and the Schick Hydro 3 to see what the new shaving technology is like. The Hydro 3 actually isn't bad, but I don't think I need to keep on giving the new stuff a chance. I've taken the DE/SE/Injector challenge.

I might not have tried the new Schick if their commercials are that obnoxious, but I haven't seen any of their commercials. I learned about it on B&B.:001_rolle
I wish a refined gentleman would come out of the stall and offer me a nice shave ready Puma straight for the Puma challenge. I'd get pumped for that.

Honestly, I found my Hydro 5 to be a really nice shaver. If I could get a free ProGlide to try out, I'd be excited to do it. If it performs as well as the Hydro, it would have a place it the rotation.

I'm looking forward to taking the ProGlide challenge! Though I'm pretty sure it'll not hold up so well against the DE collection.

Still, I'm going to pick up a handle and a blade when they come out. It'll be nice to tell everyone that, yes, I've tried it and, no, it's not as good as a thrift store Gillette with a ten cent blade.
I was at Target and they had the sneak preview pack. I picked one up. It came with travel sized shave gel, the thermal wash, and aftershave balm. It was $10.99, so what the heck. Threw it in the cart and put it on the list of silly things I buy on vacation list.

Did a 4 pass shave. Used MWF and left the shave gel in the can alone. It was comfortable. More so than the Shick Hydro 3 with super secreting lube strip. No pulling or tugging while shaving. A nicer experience from what I remember of the Fusion days. Thermal wash was a face scrub that warmed up when applied with the water and scrubbed. Kind of like how I would imagine washing your face with IcyHot would be. The aftershave balm was kind of nice, might as well have just been Nivea though.

That being said, I think my other razor is still more comfortable. I just can't get used to the weight after using things like a Bull Mastiff or a Pils. Well it was a fun experiment anyway. Might be a travel item. Going back to testing out the Feather.
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