Sorry, not really sure what you're asking. Are you asking if anyone has used the primer/Cube with shave soap at the same time? That would seem a bit redundant. I know that people have used the Cube with some traditional shave cream before, in order to get a better smell. If you're asking about using the cutting balm with shave soap, I don't think anyone around here has. The Cube/primer is not normal shave soap, so I don't think traditional shave soap would play nice with the cutting balm.
I suppose hypothetically you could do it, but I don't know anyone that has. Charge the cloth or brush first with primer, then charge with a traditonal soap and add cutting balm or activator. Maybe you could try it out and tell us how it works for you.
I have an "original" piece of cube, the tan olive oil soap. When we went in and I got more stuff, Charles sliced up a cube of french soap, a lavender colored one. It feels more like regular shave soap to me, but I much prefer the "original" cube to it. Next time I'll be more specific, but my son prefers that soap over the original, so it's all good.
The first time I went in, Charles told me to use the cutting balm on the cube, no activator other than that... I don't even have any activator, but the cube/cutting balm combo is a good slag maker for me.
It would be interesting to use the cloth on a "regular" shave soap to see what happens, too...