I need some feedback on my honing technique. All I have heard since I started honing was only the weight of the blade. I have tried that for months and didn't get anywhere. Lately I tried using a fair amount of pressure on a King 1200 and then a 4K Norton. I lighten up some, but still firm pressure and then to the 8K Norton where I use light, but firm pressure. I'm using 2 hands on the blade. If I try to let up the pressure on the hones to where I'm only using very light pressure the blade will get duller.
Do people really use no pressure/weight of blade? I can't seem to get anywhere with that. I can at least get a decent shave off the 8K, but would like to get it sharper if possible. Would appreciate advice on improvement.
Do people really use no pressure/weight of blade? I can't seem to get anywhere with that. I can at least get a decent shave off the 8K, but would like to get it sharper if possible. Would appreciate advice on improvement.