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President Palin? **Warning, read post #286**

Palin found guilty of abusing the power of her office?
What in the world was McCain thinking about, they could not have done much investigating of her.......
I have a feeling that this is the straw that will break the camels back.
McCain is in a tough spot right now will he dump her for another VP pick at this late date?
Will she resign?
It will be VERY interesting to see how this plays out!


The wife's investment
According to this, over 84% of us on B&B have already decided. Why are we getting our collective blood pressure up over this?

I also see that even after post #286 some have chosen to skate near the edge. If you are going to say something about a person, at least have a reason or something to back it up. Don't just say something like, "He's stupid for picking her" or "She's an idiot". I purposely chose not to quote anyone specifically because I don't want to get into a peeing contest, but you all know what I mean.
Palin found guilty of abusing the power of her office?
What in the world was McCain thinking about, they could not have done much investigating of her.......
I have a feeling that this is the straw that will break the camels back.
McCain is in a tough spot right now will he dump her for another VP pick at this late date?
Will she resign?
It will be VERY interesting to see how this plays out!

No one was surprised by this. The investigation was underway before her nomination.

I don't see how her actions can not be considered an abuse of office.

But the larger part of the scandal, the one receiving little attention, is why was a cop who tasered an 11 year old boy and made death threats not fired? Although what Palin did was unethical behavior, it's very easy to sympathize with her actions.

If you owned a company and an employee committed gross violence against your young nephew and made death threats against your parents and then his manager refused to fire him, what would you do?
According to this, over 84% of us on B&B have already decided. Why are we getting our collective blood pressure up over this?

Is this a scientific poll? What's the margin of error? Only 120 responded so far out of 10,000 members so I think it's too early to tell how many undecideds are out there waiting to be swayed. :tongue:

I think you can argue all day about how prepared someone is to lead, how you can interpret their record, and so on but just looking at her stance on the issues is black and white and they are really scary. The next president is likely to appoint 2 supreme court justices during their term and the thought of someone so radical in their views making the call is unsettling.


The wife's investment
Is this a scientific poll? What's the margin of error? Only 120 responded so far out of 10,000 members so I think it's too early to tell how many undecideds are out there waiting to be swayed. :tongue:

I think you can argue all day about how prepared someone is to lead, how you can interpret their record, and so on but just looking at her stance on the issues is black and white and they are really scary. The next president is likely to appoint 2 supreme court justices during their term and the thought of someone so radical in their views making the call is unsettling.

I know you are just being silly, but the point is this, not all 10,000 members participate regularly. The 120 that did participate is probably a good representation of the regular followers and it is more than the number that have participated in this thread.
If you owned a company and an employee committed gross violence against your young nephew and made death threats against your parents and then his manager refused to fire him, what would you do?

Call the police and child protective services - two entities who can investigate and act on the concerns. It should be pointed out that the investigator's report questioned the veracity of the Palin family's claims that they felt threatened:

"Governor Palin has stated publically that she and her family feared Trooper Wooten. Yet the evidence presented has been inconsistent with such claims of fear."

"I conclude that such claims of fear were not bona fide and were offered to provide cover for the Palin's real motivation: to get Trooper Wooten fired for personal family related reasons."
Looks like things aren't all roses in the Obama camp either. Check out Spilling the Beans.


He hasn't implicated Obama in anything at all untoward, and it seems like he won't.

That's a pretty far cry from being found to have made ethics violations. It's like someone getting busted for battery and screaming, "Hey! What about that guy? He almost jaywalked!".
Yeah, I gave up on this one a while ago.

I actually am making a concerted effort to avoid these for the remainder of the election. Screaming at a wall seems to have no effect other than to give me a sore throat.
Wow! We're up to post 311 and so far, the mods haven't had to shut this thread down.

After post 285 that's pretty good--26 posts... way to go gang!
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