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Prepping A New Brush

Hi all, I'm new to wet shaving and I'm wondering how to clean my brush before it's first use.

I've only just received my new and first badger brush in the mail in the last hour or so. On the back of the box it says to wash it in warm soapy water before first use. My question here is what type of soap I should be using? Should I use a block of Dove soap, some dispensable liquid soap, or something else entirely?

This question may sound stupid, but I can't afford to mess this up due to my limited funds.

This is the brush I just got: http://www.shaving.ie/products/Pure-Badger-Ivory-Shaving-Brush.html

Any help will be greatly appreciated. :blush:
I'm not sure if there is a proper procedure, but normal shampoo that you use on your own head should be fine, it is after all, only hair, just soap it up and rinse out with warm water a couple of times, leave to dry thoroughly overnight before using.

You will be soaping it up with all manner of different soaps and creams over its lifetime, so it's not going to damage it.

I'm no expert but you may want to get a few more tips before proceeding, but with my own brush I didn't do anything, just started using it straight away with shaving cream as it never had any 'funky' animal smell.
Thanks guys. There isn't really a smell coming from the brush, which seems to be the whole point in washing it. I'll still give it a quick wash before I use it, but I have all the info I need now. Again, thanks.
As outlined above you can use shaving soap or hair shampoo is just fine too. No need to buy anything you don't have already. You won't harm the brush as long as you stay from harsh chemicals wich shouldn't be a problem. Welcome to B&B enjoy your stay. :001_smile
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