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Preferred Technique?

Hey everyone, I'm new to the Double Edge Safety game, and have seen a few different styles of shaving technique. The once that seems to be the most thorough is a three pass method, but never have I seen anyone pull the razor up on the sides of the face / lower cheek area, I assume to avoid pulling the hair and causing ingrowns. Unfortunately, this is really the only way I have ever been able to get a really close shave. Am I doing something wrong when I pull the razor down? Is it ok for me to be shaving in an upward motion as well? I've doen this now for a while and not had any problems with razor burn or ingrown hair. Thoughts? Thanks guys!
Welcome to B&B! Along with directing new members to various how-tos and tutorials, we always advise doing what works for you.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I suspect almost everyone goes ATG on their cheeks (which is often pulling the razor up) - because it's easy.

The only way you can do something wrong is when you cause: blood, razor burn, ingrown hairs. It sounds like you're doing a great job - keep it up.
Welcome to the forum. You need to map your beard growth and include an against the grain (ATG) pass to get a smooth shave. That pass may well be an upward pass. However it should be the last pass (ATG). Remember, shaving is about gradually reducing the beard by a number of passes. You will know when you do something wrong because you get razor burn or weepers or cuts. I hope this helps.
Hey everyone, I'm new to the Double Edge Safety game, and have seen a few different styles of shaving technique. The once that seems to be the most thorough is a three pass method, but never have I seen anyone pull the razor up on the sides of the face / lower cheek area, I assume to avoid pulling the hair and causing ingrowns. Unfortunately, this is really the only way I have ever been able to get a really close shave. Am I doing something wrong when I pull the razor down? Is it ok for me to be shaving in an upward motion as well? I've doen this now for a while and not had any problems with razor burn or ingrown hair. Thoughts? Thanks guys!

Nope, you're not doing anything wrong, if you get a great shave with an upwards motion on the cheeks (which is ATG for most men), then I say 'bravo!' keep at it :)

Check out PaulHfilms on you tube - lovely Welsh gent who uploads a lot of shaving video's and he always does a 3 pass system and his 3rd pass is ATG with upwards motion.
I have always shaved upward on my cheeks. I lather up and shave downward on my whole face and neck. Then I lather up again and shave across the face and neck. then i lather up and shave upward neck and face.

+1 This is what I have found to be the easiest way for me as well.
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