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Pre-shave wash / lotion / anything else

The search database seems to be having a problem at the moment so I thought it would be worth asking about pre-shave washes and lotions. Do they actually work and are they worth the extra cost? As I've been out of DE shaving for many years I thought I'd try and get the optimal setup.

There are lots of methods for preshave preps, from using soaps like Musgo Real Lime Glyce (a glycerin soap with lime oil, basically just a face wash that helps soften the beard), to Noxema (the thick white stuff) or Proraso Pre as a preshave treatment that softens and opens the pores, to preshave oils, to using hair conditioner in the shower, to "Kyle's Prep", an overly-complicated and laborious procedure (lol). Essentially, whatever you go with, you want to achieve a few things: a clean, oilfree face, softening the beard, exfoliating dead surface skin, and adding moisture to your skin.

I think all the methods have merits, and it should be a key step in your shave ritual, definitely. You don't need to go nutso with it...if you want to make it easy, wash with a mild face soap in the shower, toss some conditioner on your beard, and make sure you rinse your face for a good while with hot (like shower hot, not kill yourself hot) water, and just lather up and have at it.

Personally, I use the Musgo Real or Proraso glycerin br in the shower, then I put whatever's at hand on my beard to sit during the rest of my shower (since I converted to shave soaps and face lathering, I use my old Proraso shave cream for this). When I get out, I rub some Proraso Pre into my beard and skin and let that sit while I do my other "just out of te shower" stuff, and then face lather for a few minutes, and I'm ready to rock.
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I second the use of Musgo Real Lime Glyce. I have used it for years with great results. VDH orange also works well for me.
you want to achieve a few things: a clean, oilfree face, softening the beard, exfoliating dead surface skin, and adding moisture to your skin.

This is all you need to know really, these are the nuts and bolts of a proper shave. These are the minimum for maximum results. Just achieve these things, how you achieve them is up to you. This experimentation is what "wet-shaving" and this forum are made of.
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