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Postman was great today!

Been waiting for a while to get a pair of these - the Open Comb took a bit longer to find. They do need to be cleaned up a bit, but I think they will turn out fine. I plan on using scrubbing bubbles and my ultrasonic cleaner...any other suggestions?

I'm hoping these are legitimate Damaskeenes...can anyone confirm? Thanks!


The open comb's are pretty rare, congratulations on that! The other one has an unusual handle, don't see that one often on the 1912, it's what the early 1914 Ever-Ready's used.
Well...sending the closed comb back - the open comb is perfect, the closed comb is ever so slightly bent on what in the picture above would be the left side. The eBay seller is happy to take it back, so off it goes in tomorrow's mail. It was only $25...a LOT less than the Open Comb, so no big deal. It could probably be "bent" back the 1/8" or so that it needs...but I'm not going to take the chance.
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