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Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
I just bought this fixer upper for a cheap liveaboard that I can do a bit of casual cruising with, if I feel like it. Cal 2-27 built 1967. Ballasted fin keel, atomic 4, jib, main, Jenny, spinnaker. Lines led aft to cockpit, two speed winches, self tailing.
This was mine until I sold it a few months ago!


Looks comfy and cozy!

It is, except first thing in the morning when the fire's gone out and there's six inches of ice on the canal!

Lived on it for a couple of years. Still miss it but don't miss carrying coal and logs half a mile down the tow path in the snow!

Heres mine, a Catalina 27. She's a joy on the San Francisco bay. Normal layout, an Atomic 4, a huge Jib on a furler. Come on summer!

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
Heres mine, a Catalina 27. She's a joy on the San Francisco bay. Normal layout, an Atomic 4, a huge Jib on a furler. Come on summer!

Nice. Quite similar to my Cal 2-27. My hatch is a bit higher and drier and the seat wraps around the forward part of the cockpit, and my shore power connection is in the cockpit side of the transom. Your Catalina is probably a bit lighter than my Cal which was built in '67. Very popular boat with a large following.

One nice thing about these mass produced boats... you can always find the most obscure parts and pieces for them. You will appreciate that if you ever get some serious hurricane or collision damage.

The previous owner of my Cal used to race her, so he added a lot of travelers and stuff that I thought I would never use, but as I get more familiar with the boat, I find myself using a lot of it to squeeze just a bit more performance out of her. And every line is led aft to the cockpit, through two rows of jam cleats, so nice for single-handed sailing. Took her out the other day on Lake Pontchartrain with maybe maybe maybe 5kt breeze, and with the regular main and a big genoa I was scooting along nicely while other boats were motoring back to the marina. The guy who sold her to me was kind of attached to her but due to health issues had not sailed her since a couple of years before Katrina, and he was pretty happy to hear that the boat wasn't just a dock queen anymore, though he did seem disappointed that I don't intend to race.

Still haven't got the main engine running, but I added a motor mount and a little outboard that works well for getting in and out of the marina. That's my next project, resurrecting the old Atomic 4 which apparently spend some time covered with water but still rolls over with the starter.
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