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Post shower shaving?

In most shaving prep videos or watch, I usually see some mention of hot towel's. In mantic's video, he describes using a hot towel with a quick layer of lather as does Kyle's prep. However, Im unsure as to whether this is necessary given that I just had hot water running over my face for 10+ minute.
I hear ya. I have an insane thick beard growth (even my barber said its the toughest beard he's ever shaved!) so i shave after a shower. I dont think that using Kyle's prep is a must. Just remember to still reheat your face with hot water cause water evaporates very quickly. Doing Kyle's prep is good though and will benefit your shave but its not a necessity, IMHO I dont do it myself and can get BBS shaves with my insane growth, but I have to wait 3 days to shave. Hope that helps
Necessary? No. Helpful? Maybe.

I shave within 5 minutes or so of exiting the shower & have no need for hot towels beforehand. Would it improve my shave? Possibly, but it is an extra step that I just don't do. I guess the logic behind it is to further soften the whiskers and skin prior to shaving, but it isn't as if there is some shaving law that you would be violating if you don't do it...I hope! :blink:
Soap and hot water :lol:

But if you want you can try out some pre-shave oils. You can find "Shave Secret" at Walmart for a couple dollars and it's pretty effective.
Personally, I get better results if (after showering) I skip the hot towels. I guess shower + towels is just too much prep for my skin, as it leaves me with a dried out face after the shave is done. For me, there's a sweet spot when it comes to prep; more is not necessarily better.

YMMV. Give it a shot with the towels, and without the towels, and see what works best for you.

Wow, I believe that's my first "YMMV" ever.:lol:
A shower is good enough iMO, because you've allowed your beard adequate time to prepare. I try to shave after a shower and the hairs are noticeably softer after this, more so than my few failed attempts at kyle's prep. A good shower takes far less calculated practice and is multitasking to boot!
A hot shower is all I need. It helps that my facewash contains stearic acid, which helps soften whiskers, too. Most facewashes do, I think. Even when I wash my face with just soap, though, it is still enough.

I, too, have experienced "over-prep" and irritated my skin before even beginning.

Everything in moderation, right?
Which facewash do you use? Im looking for a good one. I have heard that regular soap contains emollients which actually dry out the skin.

I wish all the master barbers got together and wrote a book..
I shave after my shower every morning. A good wash of my face and I'm ready to shave as soon as I step out of the shower.
If, for some reason, I needed to shave but wasn't going to shower first, I would certainly wash my face thoroughly and maybe even hit it up with a shave stick before starting to make my lather. This is "wet shaving" after all!
A shower is good enough iMO, because you've allowed your beard adequate time to prepare. I try to shave after a shower and the hairs are noticeably softer after this, more so than my few failed attempts at kyle's prep. A good shower takes far less calculated practice and is multitasking to boot!


What -------^ said.

I only do the hot towels when I don't shower, though since I just started liking face lathering, I am going to try a non-shower, non-towel, face-lather shave. I am thinking that it does as good a job as the towel. Today will be my 1st attempt.
I'm one of those who shower after I shave. I used to do an elaborate prep with a hot towel for three or four minutes. Now, if I use a hot towel it's for only a minute. In fact, on days when I do a coldwater shave I skip the hot towel all together and have no problems.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
I'm one of those who shower after I shave. I used to do an elaborate prep with a hot towel for three or four minutes. Now, if I use a hot towel it's for only a minute. In fact, on days when I do a coldwater shave I skip the hot towel all together and have no problems.
Don't feel alone because I'm also one of those men who shower after I shave (ya know we should a poll), and I also do a lather and hot towel prep prior to applying the blade. For me, the shower after the shave greatly help in healing any weepers or nicks...hence no need to use a styptic pencil (although I have one). :thumbup:

Christopher :badger:
Don't feel alone because I'm also one of those men who shower after I shave (ya know we should a poll), and I also do a lather and hot towel prep prior to applying the blade. For me, the shower after the shave greatly help in healing any weepers or nicks...hence no need to use a styptic pencil (although I have one). :thumbup:

Christopher :badger:

Glad to hear it Christopher. In fact, when I put conditioner on the little hair I have left :w00t: on my head, I often put a little on my face and it acts like an AS balm.
Which facewash do you use? Im looking for a good one. I have heard that regular soap contains emollients which actually dry out the skin.

I wish all the master barbers got together and wrote a book..

l'oreal men's expert power clean

Also, while I'm not a regular practicer, I have also done the cold-water shaving that Hoosier Trooper linked to. It works just fine, believe it or not.
I always shave after my shower. I used to do Kyle's prep also but lately I have eliminated that and found that my shaves do not suffer for the lack. However, they haven't really improved either. A couple of recent threads about cold water shaving have picqued my interest so I will be trying that for my next few shaves to see if things get better. I will still shower first though, and I will not give up my scuttle or warm lather. My beard is completely gray and my stubble will draw blood from a catcher's mitt.
I definitely feel that the shower softens the beard, I am just curious as to whether my skin is being over-softened by the continuous application of hot water.
In most shaving prep videos or watch, I usually see some mention of hot towel's. In mantic's video, he describes using a hot towel with a quick layer of lather as does Kyle's prep. However, Im unsure as to whether this is necessary given that I just had hot water running over my face for 10+ minute.
I always shave after a shower and find the hot towels unnecessary.
As my DE shaving routine evolves, I find myself doing more and more things.

Right now I wash my face with Ivory soap in the shower. Then I apply a hot towel, lather up, apply the hot towel again and then apply some shave oil. A nice hot lather after that, shave, clean, shave, clean, shave. I'm starting to do it faster everyday. At first it seemed like a long process, but with everything, speed comes with practice.
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