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Post 700 Gift to Me!

Alright Ladies and Gents, this is post number 700, and I feel like doing something special! I'm going to make a new shaving order and need to know what to buy, so I'm asking for input. Gonna put a 15.00 cap on the order, but want to hear any and all suggestions. Here are some things that I've been thinking about...

  • JM Frasier Original tub
  • Cremo Cream
  • Speik
  • Tub of TOBS cream with no preference on scent, as long as you can convince me that it's worth 3X as much as the Frasiers (per unit)
  • Cella
  • Musgo Real
  • Mama Bear's, whatever scent you'd recommend.
I am, of course open to other suggestions. I listed a lot of creams, but soaps are definitely a welcome recommendation too, as are AS's, razors, and any other shaving related items. Thanks, all!
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JM Fraser makes an incredible cream! In my opinion, it is definitely better than the Cella, TOBS, Cremo Cream, and Musgo that you listed. I'm not familiar with the original scent, but I have both the Oriental Spice and the Mosswood. They both perform equally and smell great! While I've not tried Speick or Mamas Bear products, I'd highly recommend the Fraser's cream.
Anybody else care to chime in? I think we have a 3 way tie at the moment. It looks like 3 votes for Frasier's, and 3 each for Speik and Musgo...
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