As a newbie to the field we come in and are mesmerized with all the choices available. We drool at the collection of various members' shiny goods, their could-be-mortgagae premium silver-tipped and gold-splashed brushes and their vast array of creams,potions, lotions, tonics galore, oh my!
What am I getting at? A lot of rambling really.
My grandfather, my wife's grandfather. They shave about everyday. Save for the one period of time my grandfather grew a beard. These guys, I personally know and see on a regular basis. Their skin is slick!! No stubble EVER! No bumps or irritation EVER! Their tools? Mostly disposable single edge BIC's, a bar of soap or canned goo.
What does this tell you?
Urinate on all the fancy stuff. Learn technique! Learn technique! And, while you're at it--learn technique. All the expensive stuff in the world or on Old Bonds Street cannot grant you a BBS. They are fun to add to the mix, yet not a necessity. I can never imagine either of the above men swirling a chubby Simpson around their face. A cheap, well used boar, sure. But these guys don't even need a brush. What's up with that?
I did always wonder why it was grandpa seemed anxious to disappear into the bathroom as if he looked forward to going in there and shaving. Now I know. It is all about 2 things ultimately: a BBS and the experience. Adding fancy hard and software is a bonus. But without the experience and ultimately that BBS you strive for you've got squat. So you have a $3656.65 brush--do you enjoy using it?
What am I getting at? A lot of rambling really.
My grandfather, my wife's grandfather. They shave about everyday. Save for the one period of time my grandfather grew a beard. These guys, I personally know and see on a regular basis. Their skin is slick!! No stubble EVER! No bumps or irritation EVER! Their tools? Mostly disposable single edge BIC's, a bar of soap or canned goo.
What does this tell you?
Urinate on all the fancy stuff. Learn technique! Learn technique! And, while you're at it--learn technique. All the expensive stuff in the world or on Old Bonds Street cannot grant you a BBS. They are fun to add to the mix, yet not a necessity. I can never imagine either of the above men swirling a chubby Simpson around their face. A cheap, well used boar, sure. But these guys don't even need a brush. What's up with that?
I did always wonder why it was grandpa seemed anxious to disappear into the bathroom as if he looked forward to going in there and shaving. Now I know. It is all about 2 things ultimately: a BBS and the experience. Adding fancy hard and software is a bonus. But without the experience and ultimately that BBS you strive for you've got squat. So you have a $3656.65 brush--do you enjoy using it?