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Polsilver blades on "Hobby/Vendor Classifieds" ?

I keep seeing this Ad over in the "Hobby/Vendor Classifieds" by someone called Dcc. He claims to have 5000 Polsilver blades and is selling them in blocks of 100. I wouldn't mind buying the Polsiver, they get great reviews.

* Has anyone dealt with this Vendor
* Would you deal with this Vendor
* The prices seem good, does anyone know of better


His Prices:
100 - 27$
200 - 48$
300 - 69$
400 - 88$
500 - 105$
700 - 140$
1000 - 190$
1500 - 280$

Yes, I bought 200 from him and they are the real deal. Post takes a while coming from Bulgaria, but I'm sorry I didn't order more now.
I've bought 400 of them from him (Veli is his name) over 2 separate transactions. I wish I had the funds at the time to buy 1000 of them. Even if you only buy 400 blades at once, you are getting them for $22/100. There isn't anywhere else to get them at that price that I'm aware of.

Both of my transactions were exceedingly smooth. As was said above, they ship from Bulgaira and both of my orders arrived in just over a week. Worth the wait for that kind of deal.
i ordered 500 a few months ago. shipped was reasonable, good communication, would have no hesitation to buy more...
My package is in the mail as we speak. I ordered just 100. Responses were prompt. Shipment went out less than 24 hours after the payment.
Have you tried them yet Knobby? There should have been a couple in that sampler I sent you. As great as they are for everyone else, they didn't agree with me in my go-to razor.
There I was, minding my own business, when I decide to read this thread. Next thing I know I had just paid for 500 of these things.

I've tried the original Iridium Supers and I got 10 shaves from those blades. If I get just half that many with these, I just added over 8 years worth of blades to my already healthy stockpile.

I'd been doing so well this year, not buying any more blades, but in the last couple of months I bought 500 PolSilver SI's, 60 vintage Wilkinson Swords (UK) and 26 Personna 74's...all long lasting, premium blades.
Yep! He's legit as far as I'm concerned. He shipped mine the day after I ordered them and it took about 2 1/2 weeks to get to my door. Good communication during the transaction as well!
I recently ordered 100. The seller sent me an email when he sent them out. It may take a while to get here from Bulgaria, but I'm pleased with his communication.
I bought a batch and they arrived in 20 days, just as expected. I didn't know when I bought them that they were shipping from Bulgaria, but I had plenty of blades to tide me over till they arrived. :001_cool:
DCC is a great B&B member with great deals. I've ordered from him twice. I just bought 500 Polsilver blades from him, which arrived yesterday. He's totally legit and a really nice guy. Your order will take two or three weeks to arrive in the US, since he's in Bulgaria, but it will arrive eventually. I highly recommend him.

There I was, minding my own business, when I decide to read this thread. Next thing I know I had just paid for 500 of these things.

Yesterday the postman left a note saying they tried to deliver the blades but no one was home to sign for them. After filling out the form telling them it's ok to leave them at my doorstep, I'm hoping they'll be left today.

23 days from ordering to doorstep (had I been there). Seems reasonable to me, coming from Bulgaria.
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