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Polish for acrylic/lucite handle

I'm looking around for a good polish for a lucite handle I'm restoring. I found a Maguiar's Headlight Restore kit ($20) and a Turtle Wax Headlight Restore kit ($9) at Target. Would either of these be suitable for polishing a lucite handle? Would one be preferable to the other? Any other suggestions?
Also available at Walmart, Meguiar's PlastX Clear Plastic Cleaner & Polish is good stuff. I've done a couple of dozen brush restores and have used this on all of them.
I've used Novus (medium, I think?) on a lucite handle. It didn't turn out perfect, but it's nice and shiny with just some hand-polishing.
Sand with wet/dry paper to remove scratches up to about 2K, then Flits or Maas. Then Mothers Plastic Polish.
I've used Novus (medium, I think?) on a lucite handle. It didn't turn out perfect, but it's nice and shiny with just some hand-polishing.

I found with the Novus kit, that I had to use all 3 products to really get a good shine. The 3rd probably wasn't super necessary since it's for deep scratches but I applied it anyways and just followed the directions.
I live near an optical lab. Every Friday they change the slurry in their lens polishing machines dumping gallons of the week old stuff down the drain (with their tolerances they can't risk even fine impurities). Whatever the stuff they use is it works wonderfully. They advised me to chill it in a refrigerator before using it. I got about a quart for just asking and have been polishing every plastic thing in sight with startling results. It also works remarkably well on lacquer finishes.
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