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poison ivy

Forget about the calamine. Go to the drug store and get a product called Technu, which will treat the poison ivy. That stuff really works!
Ha, had a friend that went into the woods with his girlfriend. Let's just say 2 days later he wasn't a happy camper down south. I second Technu it really does work.
rubbing alchool burns like crazy but it will dry it out.

+1. I had a terrible case of poison ivy earlier this summer. It was all over my arms and legs. Eventually, I put white vinegar on it and that helped much more than everything else. Finally, I started putting alcohol on it a couple of times per day and it was drying it out nicely.

I've found if I touch poison ivy I'm ok if I get it washed off w/in 30 minutes. After that, I'm toast.
a solution of chlorine bleach and water (applied and then thoroughly washed off) is also helpful, particularly right after exposure.

Technu works if you JUST got it.

Zanfel is better (it better be at $40 for a tiny tube).

But if it is weepy (getting lots of yellowy liquid from the sores) it is too late for those to work.

Use the best grease-cutting soap/solvent you have that is gentle enough for your neck--dishsoap, simple green, etc.

Use paper towels (the oil you get out can stay in a regular towel even through a washing if the water isn't hot enough).

Calamine is still around because it WORKS.

Poison ivy on your neck is irritating, but there are worse places....
since it will be a long weekend, i think i'm going to scruff it out and not shave for a few days. the stubbles may actually help protect a little from the sun as I don't want my face to be scarred, otherwise my new handle will be scarface and people will think i shave with disposable razors :w00t:
Alcohol, and especially bleach can be damaging to skin. Use the Technu, which neutralizes the oils in poison ivy that causes the rash.
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