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Pocket Knife Cases?

I carry a Swiss Army Knife with me everywhere. I probably end up using it every other day or so. One problem, however, is that all the tools get covered with, and the inside filled with, lint. I work in a "business casual" environment, and typically wear khakis and a button down shirt to work.

What are some good ways to prevent this? Any good cases you could recommend? I don't want my pockets to bulge too much, so all the leather cases I've seen are out of the question.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
What size SAK? Not exactly fancy, but if it is a small one you could cut the finger off a white cotton glove.

One of the nicest cases I've seen came with my Mcusta. I don't know if they sell them separately.


Myself, I just blast the lint out with compressed air now and again. No big deal.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I've also stitched a couple from thin leather for neck carry. Something like that would work as well.

What size SAK? Not exactly fancy, but if it is a small one you could cut the finger off a white cotton glove.

One of the nicest cases I've seen came with my Mcusta. I don't know if they sell them separately.


Myself, I just blast the lint out with compressed air now and again. No big deal.

I don't know the name, since I didn't save the box. It has the same toolset as the Huntsman, but it looks slightly different. I bought it in Switzerland a couple of years ago. Do they sell different models in different countries?

The cotton glove finger is a good idea. I may try that, it is certainly inexpensive! :) I've been cleaning the lint out myself, but I don't have an air compressor, so it's a PITA.

Those leather cases look pretty cool! I don't think I could get away with wearing something like that around my neck at work though. I used to carry a Leatherman attached to my belt, but that started to seem a bit out of place. That's one of the main reasons I bought the SAK.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Yeah, or you can just buy a can of compressed air from a shop that sells photographic supplies.
I find that keeping a knife in a case slows me down considerably when I need to use it. Too much fumbling and fussing gets in my way when I have to get access to the tools.

And I don't think keeping it in a case will prevent that much lint.

I just run mine under tap water and wipe it down with a paper towel when it needs cleaning. And it doesn't really NEED to be cleaned all that often.
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