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Plow Disk Cooker

I ordered the big 24" discada disc with the adjustable height burner from Southwest Disk.
This thing is heavy and huge, made from a plow disk.

Any one else here using one


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Looking at your second picture it looks to be shaped like a wok. I use a wok for frigging everything, so you could probably use that to cook anything but pancakes, unless you like oblong ones ;)

It looks pretty thick, so temperature control will probably be a breeze, it'll hold whatever temperature you get it to pretty well, especially since it's a high carbon hardened steel.

The thread title had me confused and curious. A Plow Disk? As someone who farms, I know harrows have disks, plows have shares and moldboards. :confused1

So, I see we have a disc harrow disk turned into a fat wok. Neat!

Oh, and before anyone heads off to Tractor Supply for a harrow disc to make their own, they have holes in the center to mount the bearing hub. These things turn as they are used in the field. Obviously the implement maker passes these particular discs on to make cookers before they cut the center hole.....

I cooked up some taco's today. First some chorizo then skirt steak, then some onions and peppers then the tortillas


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check this out. They are local to me (New Mexico) and have a youtube channel that has recipes, tips and whatnot. I don't own one (I would like to) but have have enjoyed many delicious meals cooked on one.
I'm coming over for tacos too!

Did you the pics yourself? If so, bravo! When I'm cooking I am usually too preoccupied with making it all happen to think about photos, or my free hand realizes it could have a glass in it.
That does look nice. Sort of a shallow flat bottomed wok. The size would be sweet to feed a large crowd
Today I did up some potato and pork chops fried in bacon grease. Next I want to do some crab legs like this guy did .
I wish I had got one of these years ago


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