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Plisson! Vive la France!

SWMBO and I just returned from a wonderful week in Paris. This has got to be my favorite city in the world--unbelievable sights, fantastic food, Bordeaux wine, Belgian ales, and PLISSON! My first day in Paris we passed a neighborhood drug store that had an extensive shaving display in their front window. Many brushes and stands, a standard fare of soaps and creams, but only a couple of DE's--mostly fancy handled cart razors. Ah, but the Plissons were in their glory! I couldn't resist, and this was my very first purchase on this trip to Paris. It's not the fanciest White Mountain Badger, but the handle is absolutely gorgeous. 22mm x 54 mm. Check her out!

wow, thats a beautiful color mix. ill be interested to see how they achieve such good color texture.
I'm glad those were not out when I walked by.

Well, maybe they were. I was in a hurry. I had a train to catch.

Was this shop anywhere near Museum d'Orsay?
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The drugstore was on Rue de Bac, just across the river from the Louvre, and a block from my hotel. And, yes...the price was about a third of what I would have paid here in the US. They had quite a selection of about 15 Plissons, but none had a handle as gorgeous as this one.
The drugstore was on Rue de Bac, just across the river from the Louvre, and a block from my hotel. And, yes...the price was about a third of what I would have paid here in the US. They had quite a selection of about 15 Plissons, but none had a handle as gorgeous as this one.

That sounds like the same place. Museum d'Orsay is across the river from the Louvre in a very grand old train station. The art on display there sort of takes over after the works of those that are in the Louvre. Monet's work is there as well as that of other French impressionists of his era. We visited Monet's Gardens on the same trip and thus the interest in d'Orsay.

It was walking past that window that triggered my current interest/addiction to badger brushes. It still took over a year for me to get around to internet research to discover that badger brushes were still available. I had given up on finding one decades ago. What I remember most about that display was the large brushes. As impracticable as they may be, I still have a desire for a very large brush. I see a 30 mm in my near future. I haven't decided yet if I'll just buy one or if I'll buy a knot and make the handle.

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