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Please offer some much needed guidance.

Hello gents,

I am currently in my 7th week of DE shaving and am ready to branch out and try some other razors. Currently, I am using a Muhle R89 "Grande". With this razor I receive BBS shaves eighty percent of the time. I always receive a bbs with no irritation if i have not shaved in about three days. So this week for the last three days I have been using my Merkur 39C to disastrous results. I have such a raw and eaten up face after three days using this razor that I want to throw it away. I honestly do not see why this razor is so popular at the current moment. Indeed, I have a heavy course beard with sensitive skin. As a side not I have only used feathers with this razor.

The advice I want to receive consists of the following questions...

!. What in the world am I doing wrong with the 39C to get the worst results, since I took up de shaving,? I mean this irritation is way worse than when I was trying straights.

2. I want to shave daily and the R89 Grande has almost gotten me there. Any advice on the Feather AS-D2 as an everyday effective BBS shaver is gladly recieved. The feather is an expensive razor and I want to make sure I know what I am getting into.

3. Is razor blades and more a reliable vendor?

Lastly, I want to give some respect to Wing-nut, he tried to warn me not to get the 39C and I did not listen. Indeed, you were right brother I apologize for not taking your advice into consideration before I wasted my money thank you in advance for the next time.

Hope everyone is having a great night and am excited to see everyones opinons.
Sorry you are having such bad results with the 39c. I had a 37c, and never got along with it. Before investing in a new razor, you may want to try a couple more blades in the R89. Astra SP's may be easier on your skin for everyday shaving, but some people (me included) are unable to shave daily. Also Personna reds get a lot of love here. The AS-D2 is a great razor, milder than the R89 and very efficient, but is a large investment.


I need a flea bath
The slant shaves differently. I love my slant but can still burn my neck if not careful. It cuts very close to the skin, if you choose to try it again make sure you have real slick lather, and don't use any pressure.

The R89 IMO is very mild, so you probably have developed memory on how much pressure to use on that razor. The 39c needs a much lighter touch, hope this helps a bit.
Might I suggest you stay with the Muhle for 4 - 6 months perfecting the technique and seeing how much lighter you can apply the razor. Work on a good lather as well as correct razor angle. The 39C will be applied at a different angle so bear that in mind. Are you loading the blade in the slant correctly? It should be parallel to the cap. I second using Astra SS or Rapira blades.
Keep working at it:wink2:.
I'd let your face heal for a few days and go back to the R89. It seems like you were getting pretty good results with it. If you are getting BBS 80% of the time, work on your technique to get it up to 100%. No need to switch razors then
1. What in the world am I doing wrong with the 39C to get the worst results, since I took up de shaving,? I mean this irritation is way worse than when I was trying straights.

The 39c is not generally considered a beginners razor. It has a very different angle than the R89. The bottom line is that you're using way too much pressure with the slant.

2. I want to shave daily and the R89 Grande has almost gotten me there. Any advice on the Feather AS-D2 as an everyday effective BBS shaver is gladly recieved. The feather is an expensive razor and I want to make sure I know what I am getting into.

It took me a little over a year of DE shaving before I could shave every single day. I could only shave every other day at best. Around the one year mark my shaves just magically started getting significantly better and I noticed I could shave every day.

The razor isn't necessarily the problem. The feather is a much more mild and easier to use razor than the slant, but it's not a better razor than the R89 as far as cost/performance goes.
Thank you, for all of the replies.

So from what I understand right now....

Skip the feather, stick with R89, find the right blade, work on technique, save slant for later, SHAVE LIGHTLY lol.
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