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Planning ahead-what do I need?

I've decided to try out a straight. When I first started wetshaving about a year ago, I had no interest in straight razors. After a year of DEs and getting my technique and preferences figured out, I think I've changed my mind and am going to at least try a straight.

My "issue" is that I'm in the sabbatical, and plan on signing up for next year's as well. That is going to leave me with 1 week at the end of the year to make my restocking orders, and pick up any new stuff I need (or want). So I have to plan ahead. I know it is a bit in advance, but I need to get my finances in order for what will probably be a heavy purchase week to resupply myself with blades, soap, AS and any straight gear to get myself started and through 2014. I think the straight gear will likely cost more than my other supplies, so I need to get a good idea of what is necessary.

I have decided to try out the whipped dog sight unseen flawed razor with a poor man's strop kit. I think that is probably the best way to get a usable razor to see if a straight is for me. But since I am going to be avoiding additional purchases for the rest of the year, what else will I need to get? Lapping film? Stones? I can send the razor out for rehoning if I need to at first since maintenence doesn't count for the sabbatical. Or will I be better off with a shavette to start off with?

Also, I love to hear other suggestions if any of my choices are not in my own best interest. Thanks for the feedback in advance.
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You'll need at least one, preferably two backup straights to the whipped dog kit. If you're also getting the poor man's kit, that should give you enough paste and a balsa strop to last you a year. I'd also recommend a second, slightly better strop since the probability is that you'll cut the first one up while learning to strop. I would NOT buy a shavette to start off with, though many do and do so successfully. The general consensus is that they're much less forgiving than a real straight and for newcomers, there's a good bit of bloodletting that puts them off using straights.

All the other gear is the same. Good luck to you lad.
The following opinions do not represent the owners or members of B&B and are the opinions of the poster alone. Any resemblance to real opinions is purely coincidental.

Love the disclaimer. And thanks for the input. I've got a lot of reading to do in the meantime, but all opinions are welcome.
I would also get another strop for later. I am new right now and I am using the poor man's strop kit. I have a big daddy strop from star shaving (about 40 bucks) on the way for when I get more comfortable. It is a great quality strop and a great price. You might want to get another straight, maybe even a nicer one from the BST, though you only will have a week window so you might not get lucky, for when you get hooked on straight shaving and are no longer satisfied with your sight unseen flawed. Good luck.
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