Since I started a couple weeks ago, I've been buying 10 grams here and there of various mixes in bulk from my local tobacconist. I believe they are Mr. B's brand. I've tried a straight Virginia Flake, a few English mixes, and a couple aromatics. They've been okay but nothing has stood out yet. If I had to choose, I'd say the Virginia Flake was best in terms of flavour, smoothness and ease of lighting and smoking (I'm guessing that me being a cigarette smoker has something to do with this preference). But I thought I'd raise the stakes a bit and try a well known tobacco in a tin. Frog Morton (the plain one, Latakia heavy) seems to get a lot of pub here and on youtube so I bought a 50 g tin from said tobacco shoppe. When I looked at the price sticker on the tin and saw $28.38 I thought nothing of it. It's tobacco and tobacco is expensive, right? Well, apparently not. I just checked some online tobacco vendors and the 50 g Frog Morton I bought for damn near $30 sells for under $9 in the U.S. Come on! I know we get taxed heavy on tobacco products up here in Canada, but something seems a bit off in this case. So I bring the issue here to you guys. Does that seem excessive or about right from your experiences? And I'm not even sure if I paid tax on top of that $28.38 because I bought a few other items with it that could have confused the taxes for me.
Aside from the sticker shock, the smoke was excellent. Wow! First pipe tobacco I've tried that has some discernable flavour, and Frog Morton is considered a mild tobacco, if I'm not mistaken. Maybe I just have a taste for Latakia. I'll be checking out some other heavy Latakia blends soon to try to figure out my tastes. Are there any straight Latakia-only tobaccos that have a good reputation or that you guys would recommend?
Aside from the sticker shock, the smoke was excellent. Wow! First pipe tobacco I've tried that has some discernable flavour, and Frog Morton is considered a mild tobacco, if I'm not mistaken. Maybe I just have a taste for Latakia. I'll be checking out some other heavy Latakia blends soon to try to figure out my tastes. Are there any straight Latakia-only tobaccos that have a good reputation or that you guys would recommend?