I've been using micro fasteners up until now, but I want to start pinning properly. I was wondering if I could actually use the micro fasteners as pins? Same sort of thing? Thanks.
You can, and I've actually done it a number of times. But, really, there's no reason to, especially when brass rods are so inexpensive, readily available, and easy to work with.
Yeah, the main reason I say don't bother is... those screws are really nice to have lying around for mocking up a razor before you pin it. definitely don't use them all as pins...I try to keep some laying around my bench...but I'm down to a few, because they keep falling off and I lose them... Sometimes I have to scavenge my floor for one. hah. Done that a few times for washers too!
The rods are much cheaper then the microfasteners on bst for about $3-$3.50 a pair (two bolts, two hex nuts and 8 washers) depending on how much it costs me to buy when I order them. The brass rod is much cheaper in comparison and you can probably do 50 razors for what you spend on a pair of microfasteners. I have sold a few razors on BST and I've finished the with microfasteners. I did cut them and peen the end to make them look nicer. It worked out fine. Now I just need to get a source for collars and washers in brass. Can anyone help out here?