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Pinaud on 30 Rock

My daughters were doing their own marathon of 30 Rock with their friends yesterday. When I sat down to watch an episode with them, I arrived just in time to see Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) meeting with Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) while two of his flunkies give him a manicure. Apparently they had just finished shaving him because there was a bottle of Pinaud standing on their cart full of gear. The label was turned away from the camera, but it was either Lime Sec or Citrus Musk.

This summer, when I'm dreaming of Six Sigma during my morning shave, I'll be happy knowing that Jack Donaghy and I will be enjoying the same delightfully fragrant Pinaud splash.
My daughters were doing their own marathon of 30 Rock with their friends yesterday. When I sat down to watch an episode with them, I arrived just in time to see Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) meeting with Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) while two of his flunkies give him a manicure. Apparently they had just finished shaving him because there was a bottle of Pinaud standing on their cart full of gear. The label was turned away from the camera, but it was either Lime Sec or Citrus Musk.

This summer, when I'm dreaming of Six Sigma during my morning shave, I'll be happy knowing that Jack Donaghy and I will be enjoying the same delightfully fragrant Pinaud splash.

Oh, No!
Just recently got addicted to that show. Love it. Watching all of them on Netflix Instant.

I have noticed several times Brand name products be zoomed in and clear enough to read but with the label colored out with Sharpie or something so you can't read the whole name. For instance, they seem to regularly drink Jameson, but if you see the front of the bottle, it appears that the letters "Ja" are marked out.

Woot woot...for 777 posts. Too bad these numbers never line up at the casino!
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