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Pilson HMW Question

I see Pilson, HMW brushes advertized in 2-band and 3-band.

I can see the difference in the hair, but what are the thoughts about the difference in quality?
Well first the term 2 or 3 band is a characteristic of the hair not really a grade like say best badger or silvertip. Many things can make a brush 2 band like dying and how it's cut.

Usually when they say 2 band they refer to the top of the line silvertip but there seems to be a shortage of that lately and the few manufacturers who have used it are either selling much less or are using 3 band and I'm not sure where this stuff is coming from or the differences. It may be a different species or the way it's cut. I have a few older 2 banders and they are very different than normal silvertip. The new 3 band premium I don't know anything about.
I have recently been told that the 2 band is the white european badger version of the common 3 band silvertip (chinese).

I dont' know if there is any performance difference between european and chinese badger.
The 2-bands that I have haven't bloomed as much as the 3-bands. They're definitely more firm and their tips are not "as soft" as the 3-bands...Plisson has a shortage at the moment...the Finest from Rooney seems to have run it's course...and Simpson hasn't filled any new orders either...I know of at least one of our online vendors that has a large order for 2-band Supers that was promised a month ago...
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