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Pils razor review on You Tube


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Thanks! In one way the minimalist packing makes one feel like all the cost of razor is in the razor so you are getting your money's worth. On the other hand one could feel like after spending that much cheddar they should at least throw in a case of SOME sort....like the Feather...but then you feel you are paying for the box and not just the razor...I guess you can't please everybody. Nice review!
How did you like the Tabula Rasa?
Great video by the way but the only problem I have with it is,now I want the Pils razor.

Nice video. Tried the PILS and just didn't care for its cutting action, I don't like the fact that the blade is not bent much when loaded compared to traditional DEs, taking away some of the stiffness. What was the point in this design? Also felt it to be too head heavy with a suboptimal grip. And I definitely do not want a razor that requires me to take the blade out after every shave. But I guess this is a case of YMMV.
...And I definitely do not want a razor that requires me to take the blade out after every shave...

Thanks for the video.

I thought it was informative.

On the mentioned fact that you will need to take the blade out after every shave is a turn off for me.

Plus I'm not spending that kinda money for a DE razor.

By the way, your cat seem not like your video.

I noticed it running away early in your review.:lol:
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