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PIF on pack of Voshods

Hi, guys, here's a PIF on one pack (5 blades) of the Russian made Voshod blades.
I know that many people still haven't tried this blade, so here's an opportunity to try them.
If you want to participate in the PIF just write something in this sticky.
(Nota bene: I'm not conus, so the shipping could take a bit longer.)
I will run this for a couple of day and then pick the winner with Random.org.

-The Pif has ended-
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So so many people have been talking about these razors the past few days and I have been really looking into getting some. I know its a PIF but would gladly trade for some SuperMax Titanium Sweedish Steel Blades if you like. Thanks for the amazing PIF offer!

Edit: Would like to withdraw my name. Found a trade and would love for someone else to get the chance! Thanks.
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I'm in! So far i've only tried 3 types of blades, and would love to get a chance to try more. Thanks for the great PIF!
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