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PIF: Hair You Go Pt. 2

Good evening gentlemen. Years ago, rickboone1 had a PIF for a bunch of different pomades and hair waxes. I was lucky enough to receive the PIF package and since then I've been experimenting with a good number of pomades. Some have worked, some haven't. I figured it was time to pass some of the goop I don't use very often on to someone who can enjoy them. There aren't really any rules for this PIF, simply post in this thread with your interest and I'll use a random number generator to choose a winner in a few days. I'm not really setting a specific time limit for this one since I know everyone is busy during the holidays, so I'll make a post saying when it's coming to a close. I'd like to keep this to the CONUS to save on shipping costs (which I'll be paying).

Now on to the good stuff! The pomades up for grabs are:

Dax Wave and Groom
Dax Super-Neat
Dax ("washable") wax
Murray's Superior
Grant's Golden Brand (Medium Blend)

I'll also throw in a few samples of some of my favorites if I can find some good sample tubs for them. Happy slicking!

sweet! I'll have to check out the grant's. what have you ended up using? i can't believe you remembered where you got them! ha ha
sweet! I'll have to check out the grant's. what have you ended up using? i can't believe you remembered where you got them! ha ha

I've found that I like the pomades with just a bit of grease in them. I really like Trumper's stuff but it's so dang expensive. I don't quite style my hair in a pomp but more of a "up and over" thing with my hair in the front.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I wear my hair in the "flat top" style. I really have no idea what pomade is, of course ive heard of it but never crossed my mind to even use it.

Would it work for my style? i pretty much just slick the sides and make the front stand up
Wow.....this is very kind of you. I have had my hair shaved or cut with the clippers for the last 8 years. I have been letting it grow the last 2 months at the request of both of my sons. They are 5 and 7 and have never seen with hair long enough to style. I have been reading up and looking to buy some pomades to try out. This PIF would work out perfect for me. Thank you for running this and my fingers are crossed.
I wear my hair in the "flat top" style. I really have no idea what pomade is, of course ive heard of it but never crossed my mind to even use it.

Would it work for my style? i pretty much just slick the sides and make the front stand up

Go for it!!
Great PIF. I'm in! I would love to try some different kinds of pomades. I use Groom & Clean for the most part right now.
I've been interested in trying pomades for sometime now. But can't seem to find any quality products in the stores I frequent. I'm in!
I'm in, Ive used pomade before, but never had a lot of success with it and would like to give it another try
Keep those entries coming, gentlemen. I got a tub of Trumper's pomade as an early Christmas gift so I'm set on pomade for a while now!
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