Good evening gentlemen. Years ago, rickboone1 had a PIF for a bunch of different pomades and hair waxes. I was lucky enough to receive the PIF package and since then I've been experimenting with a good number of pomades. Some have worked, some haven't. I figured it was time to pass some of the goop I don't use very often on to someone who can enjoy them. There aren't really any rules for this PIF, simply post in this thread with your interest and I'll use a random number generator to choose a winner in a few days. I'm not really setting a specific time limit for this one since I know everyone is busy during the holidays, so I'll make a post saying when it's coming to a close. I'd like to keep this to the CONUS to save on shipping costs (which I'll be paying).
Now on to the good stuff! The pomades up for grabs are:
Dax Wave and Groom
Dax Super-Neat
Dax ("washable") wax
Murray's Superior
Grant's Golden Brand (Medium Blend)
I'll also throw in a few samples of some of my favorites if I can find some good sample tubs for them. Happy slicking!
Now on to the good stuff! The pomades up for grabs are:
Dax Wave and Groom
Dax Super-Neat
Dax ("washable") wax
Murray's Superior
Grant's Golden Brand (Medium Blend)
I'll also throw in a few samples of some of my favorites if I can find some good sample tubs for them. Happy slicking!