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pif for the new wet shaver

ok so Im new to wet shaving my self and I enjoy it very much. I just dont use my super speed. I like my murker 180 long handle better. So instead of it just sitting in the case i would reather someone put it to use. Ive used it 7 times total.

1964 j4 ss flaretip model with case i bought it on b n b its a step above user grade with case and ill throw in some blades

1 state why you should get it
2 what you enjoy about wet shaving
3 would it be a starter de for you or someone in your family
4 ill chose the best reply by 7 pm tomorrow cst i have to go out for a bit so i extending the time by 2 hours
5 pif is a great thing everyone should try it

the pictures are from the member i bought it from it still looks the same as im not the best picture person



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Not in! But it's a nice PIF and appears to be a very nice razor! Some of the new guys need to get in on this!!
1 state why you should get it - I shouldn't get it because I'm not a newbie, I just wanted to say Great PIF!
2 what you enjoy about wet shaving - The process making my own lather
3 would it be a starter de for you or someone in your family - Would be my 8th DE, so that's why I don't need it
4 ill chose the best reply by 7 pm tomorrow cst - That's as good of time to pick the winner as any time
5 pif is a great thing everyone should try it - It is a great thing to try! I've won several and have done my own. Plan on doing another one in a month or so.

Great PIF for some newbies!
I don't know if postage to Australia would be a problem but here goes...

1 state why you should get it
I don't really need it as I'm quite happy with my EJ89, but my partner has shown an interest in using a DE razor, so something that's safer and easier to load like TTO might be right up her alley.

2 what you enjoy about wet shaving
The ritual, the quality of the products, the savings in terms of consumables, and most importantly the results.

3 would it be a starter de for you or someone in your family
As I mentioned above it'd be for my partner, if it works out we might be able to eliminate cartridges from both our lives.

Thanks. :smile:
I would like to have this awesome PIF so I can share this with my brother. He has been on the fence for a while and just isn’t sure. I have talked with him a great length about switching but he keeps tossing money at carts and gel goop. I want to show him that true wet shaving isn’t about just getting rid of stubble it’s about the process and taking part in something that our father and grandfathers have for generations. It’s more about being manly.

Also he and I could share the costs of soaps by splitting the pucks. Increasing the enjoyment by being able to try more soap, creams etc for both of us. So not only is this a starter set for him but it’s something we can share with each other and our sons as they get older.

I enjoy the process, and the feeling of doing something for myself even if it’s as simple as having a nice shave for the day. As silly as it sounds it helps center me for the day and makes me feel more confident.

So in short…I’m in! :biggrin1:

Thanks for the beautiful PIF.
1 state why you should get it -- It is beautiful! I just got started and love to look at the vintage TTO's but can't budget it until I get further in.

2 what you enjoy about wet shaving -- I love the new ritual, the good smelling soaps and creams, the feel of lather exploding onto my fingers as I whip up the foam. I love how I no longer hate shaving.

3 would it be a starter de for you or someone in your family -- Sort of. I just made an order from Lee's this evening for a Merkur 42 (my first DE) But supposing I like the Superspeed better it could be my 1st, or I could loan it to my first convert :)

I'm sure I won't be the best ( see number 3 ) but man, would I love a beautiful piece of history for free :thumbup:
1 state why you should get it...I am also new to wet shaving and DE razors. I started with a Fatboy and stayed with it for the first month and have since tried to branch out and find my go-to razor. I've been staying with vintage Gillettes and haven't been able to find a 60's Super Speed (thin head style) at a price or condition I'm willing to go for.
2 what you enjoy about wet shaving...I think more than anything I just enjoy slowing down and taking some time that is truly for myself. Wet shaving has taken something that used to be a chore to be finished quickly and made a self-indulgence.
3 would it be a starter de for you or someone in your family...It wouldn't be my starter, but I plan on a PIF or two of my own as I find what I like or don't like.
4 ill chose the best reply by 7 pm tomorrow cst
5 pif is a great thing everyone should try it...See #3
Thanks for the opportunity and best of luck to all!
  1. It would be for my older brother. He uses cartridge razors, but always comes out with razor burn and bumps and cuts. Other day I let him shave with my only DE razor and he loved it best shave of his life, his words not mine.
  2. I enjoy the manliness of it. Any boy can shave with a cartridge razor. But only real men can wet shave
  3. For my Brother. I shown him the new DE razors but he doesn’t like the look of them. Hes' really keen on the vintage look when it comes to DE razors.
Im new to this so here be my reasons :)

1 state why you should get it -- i'm in Macedonia .. and we cant use Paypal here still .. so all this world of antique razors that can be found on ebay for example is cut out from me and i dont really have the option to get one of this .. heh i even have troubles trying to get a new one from the other stores as most are paypall as well.

2 what you enjoy about wet shaving -- the whole process rally .. preping the gear (bowl and brush to soak blade at ready) .. whisking the lather .. enjoying the smell while i apply it with the brush and ohh that sound when the razor cuts :) pure magic

3 would it be a starter de for you or someone in your family -- kind of a starter for me .. i currently have plastic wilkinson classic (because that is the only one i can get locally).
Great PIF! I've never won one myself, but did do one about a month ago with stuff from when I first started, but didn't really care for, like some blades from a sampler, an aftershave, etc.

I'm in, and here's why...

1 state why you should get it - doing this for a friend. He's had a pretty rough year in 2012, and 2013's starting to improve for him quite a bit. This would surely help him, as he's a new DE shaver, using one of those $6 razors from Amazon. It works, but it's been a bit rough on him. This would surely help improve his outlook.

2 what you enjoy about wet shaving - for me, it's all about self improvement. The fusion worked acceptably well for me, but since making the move to DE, it's been so much better. My skin feels better, my wife thinks I smell nicer too.

3 would it be a starter de for you or someone in your family - as I mentioned above, it's for a friend.
Great PIF! Wow, if I was a noob and didn't have a great razor I would be all in on this one! Get in there fellas!
1 state why you should get it - I'm new to DE shaving, but recently my father has shown interest and I would absolutely love to hand him a excellent razor such as this. Being someone in college, I don't have a ton of money and I think this is a great opportunity.
2 what you enjoy about wet shaving - I really enjoy the variety found in addition to the community. When I picked up my first DE razor at an antique store, a gentleman overheard me saying I was going to shave with it, and recommended I visited here.
3 would it be a starter de for you or someone in your family - See #1
Wow. Nice PIF. Very generous indeed.

I'm in.

Ok, now to answer your questions.

1. I don't know that I should get, over others. I'm not that special. But I have always wanted to try a vintage razor.
2. I love wet shaving for the scents. The tactical pleasure of faceturbating a well shaven face. The traditional slowness of it all. The civility. And, of course, the camaraderie of this board and community.
3. I have a Merkur which I got as part of my starter kit. So I would use this one, as I assume that this would give a better shave. If it doesn't work for me, I would give it to a friend who I am on the cusp of persuading to join the DE fraternity.
4. That razor is a beautiful machine. I can't wait to have spare stuff to PIF back to the community.

God bless and peace out!

I'm NOT IN, but felt that I had to say what a very kind gesture, full marks to you Sir!

Nice looking razor too.

This is what I love about the wet shaving experience. Great PIF Here it goes...

1. Why I should get it: I absolutely love the look of the vintage Flare Tips. They put current razors to shame.
2. What I enjoy about wet shaving: I appreciate the craftsmanship and artistry involved in building lather and customizing scents wether from soaps, creams or sticks. The combinations are endless. Although there are those who refuse to shave with the most expensive, luxurious products, there are just as many that appreciate the beauty of more simple, accessible products that perform just as well as their more expensive counterparts. Further, I really appreciate the sense of brotherhood and community wet shavers have cultivated. I mean, what other hobby/interest group offers such a friendly encouraging atmosphere?
3. This would be for my Dad, who was a wet shaver but abandoned it back in the 70s when cartridges became the norm. He was quite interested when I took up wet shaving and I strongly suspect he would like to take it up again.

Thanks for the opportunity Cardsfan28, very generous and a prime example of the community I've mentioned above. Nine days until pitchers and catchers report!!
Not in! But a beautiful Flare Tip. I almost picked one up today but went for an Aristocrat instead. I'm again totally stunned by the attitude of PIF here, something I've rarely run into outside of the E-cigarette community. Its really nice to see.
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