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PIF for New Shavers - CONUS

It has been quite a while since I have been on the forum due to several things getting in the way. However, I logged back on today and started reading again. I realized what a great community of folks this forum is.

With that said, I have some things I have been given that I would like to get rid of. My family, knowing I enjoy DE and straights, tend to buy me things randomly that I do not really need. I put some of it together to create a kit that a new shaver could use. It is only lacking blades, as I am currently running low right now and need to order some myself. (There are some old PAL blades in the case which I have not removed, but would not use.) The razor is a 1977 plastic handled tech. (X2 date code) It comes with a cheap boar brush, some shave soap, and a septic pencil.

This is open to any new shaver who is on a tight budget and would like these items. Just post here to let me know you are interested and I will send it to the one selected at random. It will be based on all responses received by 8:00PM on 1/15/12. Mods, it has been a year or so since I have been here and I can't remember all of the rules, if this is not the correct place for this please let me know.
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I didn't get around to posting the winner last night. I had to take an unexpected trip to the vet with my dog. However, the winner is JayEddie. I will be PMing you for your address.
Yes, thanks for asking. They gave her some meds and she seems to be feeling a lot better today.

I will be shipping this Friday.
Congrats on the PIF! Thinking about doing a PIF like this myself, but I gave much of my excess away for Christmas. Aren't I generous? :biggrin1: Seriously, I love PIFs and gifts! Giving is so much fun, and I love to see it happen. Nice PIF, Andrew GWU!
The package arrived Saturday, and this morning I had my first ever brush and soap lather ever. I face lathered and it went better than I actually expected it to. What I really liked about the soap was that it rinses off of the razor really easily.
So, a big Thank You to Andrew for expanding my shaving experience!:thumbup:
Nice PIF and congrats JayEddie!! I have a gold headed Tech the same and it's one of my favourites, gives a beautiful shave!
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