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PIF: Fat Handled British Tech

Here's the classic standard -- against which all other razors are measured. Of course there are more beautiful and classy looking Gillettes, and there are the much more pedestrian razors. But the fat handled Tech, with no date code (NDC) is relatively common and mostly effective. If you're ready to graduate from the cartridge based razors, or haven't explored any of the vintage Techs, this PIF is for you.

Rules: You can be anywhere in the world, you must have access to double edged blades (although I'll send a few along with the cased razor), you must have fewer than 100 posts, and you shouldn't have or have used a Gillette Tech yet. If you qualify, post your interest here before midnight (EDT) Monday night. I'll randomly select one member & send you this set.

The set -- fat handled Tech. Not pristine in appearance, but perfect regarding its effectiveness as a shaver. One of the most reliable, and at one time, the most popular razor made by Gillette. If you haven't had a chance to try one yet, post here. No risk, no gain. And at some time in the future, hopefully you'll pass it along to another newcomer.


There is some deterioration to the handle. Not corroded, but somehow it has worn the ridges slightly.


With "Gillette" stamped on the head.



So post below if you're interested in trying out this razor.
I've been using my Merkur 38c for the past 6 months now and am interested trying new razors. I've heard nothing but praise for these razors and would really love the chance to try one for myself.
Although I'm more of an O.C. fan, (and unqualified for this pif), I think the Fat Handle Tech is one of the nicest looking razors.

Very generous.
This is a brilliant idea for a PIF! Jake is quite right: the fat-handled Tech is an excellent and extraordinarily reliable razor. Newbies really shouldn't be afraid of the Tech: it's there to help.

Please do not include me in the contest: I'm totally unqualified. I voice my support for entering, though!
Love the look of that case, but I am not eligible for the PIF because I have more than 100 post, and I have 2 Fat Handle Techs all Canadian with triangular holes though. With a sharp blade they are a killer, but under rated razor
Well apparently the excellent fat handle Tech is not so desirable among the neophyte shavers. But someday you'll discover how incredibly effective this simple and effective design can be. Only a few participants & BI'm sorry there's not something for everyone -- but DMT is the winner. The recipient of this great razor -- a Dubliner himself -- will have a chance to try it out & enjoy experiencing yet another of the classics from the heyday of Gillette and DE shaving. It's from the UK, so back over the ocean towards its origins. Congratulations DMT!
Thanks for your generosity Jake! If there is ever anything from Ireland you'd really like to get your hands on please don't hesitate to ask, I'll do my best to help you out there.
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