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PIF Etiquette

I was recently on the receiving end of a PIF. Is it inappropriate to share the details on a post in the forums. All I can say is I am positively giddy.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
IF it was a private affair, I'd say a thankful PM to the donor would be in order, and ask him how he feels.
Dear Doc4,
The PIF was offered in a public response to a thread I started. I assume this would not qualify as a private affair. I did however send my thanks via a private message.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
If the PIF was made with open reference to it by the donor on open forum, by all means, yes. A public expression of gratitude and a detailed review of the item or items is a great goodwill thing, makes the donor feel good, educates those unfamiliar with the product, and helps to foster the PIF culture here. If the offer was made by PM, you should ask the donor if he objects to your acknowledging it publicly and describing the contents. Some donors would rather it be kept a private affair and would rather not be smothered in accolade for a simple act of generosity, I imagine.
I would like to thank a gentlemen who goes by the handle BigFoot for the PIF of a Schick Injector Razor. Most gracious of him. I will be sure to report my findings and when the moment is right I will PIF. What an awesome concept.


Needs milk and a bidet!
a Schick injector! woo hoo! I love injectors.

Very generous of Mr. BigFoot

great show all around gents!
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