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PIF: Dorco Blades for Feather AC and clones

How many have tried Dorco blades in their Feather AC? I bought a bunch of them and casus4844 picked them up for me. He also sent a spare pack for PIFing.

I just tried one in my cjb and it was quite nice. A bit smoother as a new blade than even the Kai milds. I don't know how long they will last but the first shave was a 3 pass BBS so they pass the initial test for me. The mildness was a bit deceiving - I managed to get a couple of weepers because I was a bit aggressive with it - but the weepers had stopped leaking by the time I was done.

Anyhooo... Since it looks like we can source them, I would like to share the blades and see what everyone else thinks. If you HAVEN'T tried a Dorco and would like to try one, leave a post. I need to figure out how to send out a single blade (any suggestions?) but, once figured out, will send out the pack as singles to those who have a Feather AC or clone already. The only stipulation is that, once received, you try them and post back your experience.

Thoughts? Volunteers?

You can scotch tape a blade (covering blade&edge entirely) to a business card, and then put that in an envelope and send it to me.

I don't know how long they will last...

Just a couple more shaves....
Here is a pic. The width of the blade is .314. The width of a Kai is about the same (.316) and a Super Pro is .323. Your micrometer may vary. (YMMV) It appears by the hole pattern that it mimics the Feather version fairly closely.

$ACblades compared-small.jpg
I'll give one a shot. PM your with my address

So if I fall in love with them, where can they be purchased?
I'll give one a shot. PM your with my address

So if I fall in love with them, where can they be purchased?

casus4844 has the connections. They come from Korea so shipping a single pack would be a lot of trouble and probably wouldn't result in much savings. However, we could do a group buy and make the prices reasonable.

There might be retailers with them - but I couldn't find any when I was searching (which was a while back).
Very generous Sir, but count me out! I have some I got with my CJB. Used one in my Cobra Classic last night, and it gave a wonderful shave.
Very generous Sir, but count me out! I have some I got with my CJB. Used one in my Cobra Classic last night, and it gave a wonderful shave.

I'm going to go for a few shaves with the one I just started. I suspect they are a diamond in the rough. They are quite cheap if purchased in bulk (cheaper than DE blades in most cases). Makes shaving with these type razors a very inexpensive effort that produces exceptional results...
I'm going to go for a few shaves with the one I just started. I suspect they are a diamond in the rough. They are quite cheap if purchased in bulk (cheaper than DE blades in most cases). Makes shaving with these type razors a very inexpensive effort that produces exceptional results...

I managed to get I think 8-9 shaves out of a Feather, so I'll be interested to see how it compares. Based on the first shave there was no difference in shave quality, but one shave isn't really enough to judge! I'd be interested in a bulk buy if they last well, knowing I can use them in 4 different razors I have.
Any room for another?

Yep. Pile on. The blades I am PIFing were given to me to PIF out... sort of a sub-PIF. My only expense will be the letter to send them. I would like to PIF out the whole pack to 20 people if possible. These were from casus4844 who is in Korea - PIFing for him is expensive. He mentioned in a private message that he would like to PIF some blades but didn't have a good way. I told him I would PIF out a pack that I was getting - instead, he generously threw one in a package I bought from him. Consider the blade to ultimately be from him.

I got your PM. You are on the list.
I managed to get I think 8-9 shaves out of a Feather, so I'll be interested to see how it compares. Based on the first shave there was no difference in shave quality, but one shave isn't really enough to judge! I'd be interested in a bulk buy if they last well, knowing I can use them in 4 different razors I have.

It would be wonderful if they mellowed out like the Feathers do and you could use them for an extended period. We'll see. Of course, they are not Guard blades so they could be stropped but I'm not going to go for a record since most folks use Feathers because they are uber sharp and they don't have to work the shave. I'll take some microscope pictures once the one I'm using gets a few shaves on it.
OK... Two things to report.

The blades are going out - they are packaged up and ready. Just have to drop them off.

The Dorco is NOT a Feather (duh... we knew that). I am on shave 4 with the first one and it is probably dead. I suspect that if someone was looking for a sharp shave then they would last 3 shaves. However, I started with it this morning, decided it was not going to hack it as a Feather shave (but it still passed an HHT), and stropped it. That seemed to help a tad. Good shave but not a Feather AC shave. The initial shave was very pleasant. The second one was still good but required touch-up that normally wouldn't occur until shave six or seven with a Feather. The third was a bit rough because I wasn't expecting such a rapid degradation - still, it worked.

I hesitated writing the above but decided to do so because I didn't want high expectations and the resultant crash.

I think we can get Dorcos for about 1/5 the cost of a pack of Feathers if we buy in bulk (that is a guess but one based on limited background knowledge of costs in Korea). So... even if they are used one or two times, they might beat out Feathers for value. You guys will have to look at them and see, though.

As far as the PIF - I still have some I can send out but I'm going on another trip - this one is going to be long - so I won't be able to send them for a few weeks. If I get requests today and tomorrow, I'll try to get them out but after that, the wait will be three or four weeks. I'll repost here when I am ready to send more.

Edit: One possible use is for new shavers. A Dorco is SOOOooo much milder than a Feather. It won't slice and dice you as quickly as a Feather will. It might be good to learn on.
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Got my Dorco today, thanks Dan!

Not sure when I'll get a chance to take it for a spin, I have a few other items in line ahead of it. I'll be sure to give a full report, perhaps even with scope pics, etc.
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