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Philip Stein Watch


Anybody have an opinion on the Men's Philip Stein watches?
Looking at getting the one and wanted some feedback.

Isn't that the brand with the "Teslar" chip that supposedly protects you from EMF? That's pure, if not extra virgin, snakeoil. I wouldn't buy from a brand that promotes pseudoscience - EMF/RFI is only attenuated by proper shielding or distance. You can find the formulas and descriptions of safe exposure levels from amateur radio manuals. www.arrl.org is a good place to start if you want reality backed up by actual testing and credible citations.

As for being watches, I'm sure they're as good as any other generic out there. Not a knock - most generic quartz watches today are pretty accurate and reliable. But I' rather have a $25 Timex than $300 snakeoil.
They were very popular with the Hollywood set for a time. Personally I think they are ugly and there are way better choices out there. Their claims are rubbish.
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