for some reason I felt motivated to check the pet section of craigslist and came across several dogs looking for a good home. normally I pay no attention to these ads simply because I adopted a dog from the Humane Society not too long ago and that turned out to be a disaster. of the dogs I looked at, one is a young black lab, another is a bulldog/boxer mix and the last is a great dane. the young lab is at the top of the list simply because my wife and I own a lab mix. unfortunately, I usually get a healthy dose of reality once I realize how difficult it is rearing a new pet. plus, our current dog enjoys being master of his domain and i'd hate for him to feel like some new pup is encroaching on his territory. my motivations are unclear to me at this moment. I thought our dog could use some companionship, but he'd rather be around people than other dogs. then I thought i'd be doing a good deed by rescuing a dog that would otherwise go to a shelter. part of me feels's as if i'm looking for a new dog to replace my current dog when he dies.
so, have any of you adopted new pets and introduced them into a household with other pets? how did they adapt? did they get along with the other animals?
so, have any of you adopted new pets and introduced them into a household with other pets? how did they adapt? did they get along with the other animals?