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Persona Blades

Any idea on where I can find Persona blades? The only place I've heard that has them is Walmart, but I didn't find any double edge blades there at all. Do they keep them in a different section or something?

I haven't been able to find any stores online that carry them either. Thanks!
I see them at Rite Aid, and other similar drugstores, and most big groceries. Sometimes they are rebranded as the store brand, so look for other names, too. I usually find them in the shaving section, but you could ask a clerk if they keep them somewhere else, too.
Right now I'm using a cheap Kroger brand which I think may actually be the Personnas. I saw the same blades packaged under the Rite Aid name when I was in there. In that case, does anyone have a suggestion on what blades I should try? I still have quite a bit of irritation and bumps on my upper lip, and I feel the blade catching and pulling the hairs on my chin. So far I've only used the Merkurs and Kroger (which I think is actually Personna).
Your best bet is to contact John (user name is letterk) and purchase one of his sampler packs. This will allow you to try several different blades to determine which one/s fit you best before making a bulk order.
kylecoster said:
Any idea on where I can find Persona blades? The only place I've heard that has them is Walmart, but I didn't find any double edge blades there at all. Do they keep them in a different section or something?

I haven't been able to find any stores online that carry them either. Thanks!

I buy them at my local Walgreens, and actually get fine shaves when they are coupled with my '58 Gillette adjustable.
They're interesting blades. I tried one in my Merkur Classic but it was tough going. I put one in my Gillette Tech and it shaved beautifully.

Different blades for different razors.
They are my favorite DE blade, and it certainly doesn't hurt that they are cheap and readily available. I use them in my Gillette Fatboy set at 3 for the first and second passes, and 5 for the last pass.
I just picked some up at Walmart last week - they had a slew of them hanging on their little hook. Haven't cracked 'em open yet though.
I've seen them at Wally World, CVS, and Walgreen's. None of them I've seen actually say Persona on the package but I understand that's who makes them. I bought my last package at CVS.
I bought some of the Walgreen's house brand last week, and am certain they are Personas (exact same dispenser, same patent nos.). I was using Feathers, and ran out before my next order arrived. I'm pleasantly surprised at how well the Walgreens/Personas are working. On the other hand, the very same day I bought them, I switched to Nancy Boy cream -- it's possible the blades won't work as well with less slick soaps. But, for now, I'm quite happy with them!
i havent seen anyone mention it yet on the form but the israeli personas on ebay are not the same as the american personas. almost every one considers the israeli blade superior. ( i know most everyone here knows this just saying so no new shavers get confused)


ps IMHO i did not like either personas , too dull and pulled my beard
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