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Persona AccuForge blades

while at Razor Emporium today DJ asked if I wanted to try these and had not heard of them before but got two to try
will post up thoughts of course

Persona made called Accuforge

curious if anyone else has tried them or knew about them.

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I can say the blades did very well in testing
had not tried the comfort or the med preps to much just had a few samples

so might try to get a box of these at sometimes or the “original” ones

my wife loves the Persona Platinum blades in her Henson mild
Wait, 14 double-edge options on the Accutec site???
Yeah quite a few variants seem to be based on qty ?

Also the degreased vs non oil desc is interesting (mentioned degreased in the FAQ page)

notice the clean room ones are the ones with no inking on the blade so now curious if those are the same as the others but to meat clean room cant have the ink ?

They also go over the blades some in the about with the facets and metal type :)
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