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perma sharp super? opinions.

i have been seeing these for a while and this is one blade i have only ever used 1 single blade of and it was when i was a brand new de shaver and had pretty much zero experience. i am thinking about revisiting them again since some people rave about them. but what can you all tell me of your opinions and what is the closest blade you would say they compare to. i have a crazy wire like beard and and also wondering if anyone has a beard with hair like that and if so how do they cut? and life of the blade? just thinking of blades i have never used (or very early on maybe tried once) and wanting to try a few new ones.

They're excellent. There's pretty much only one source for them and that is half way around the world. So I suspect people don't buy many of them. Otherwise I also suspect you'd hear a lot more about them.
I dig the blades as well, and have only tried a few but would put them up against my favorite blade the Astra SP any day. With a heavy beard I find an aggressive open comb with a good sharp blade the only way to go. At least thats my opinion.
Excellent blade, Sharp, Smooth and very lasting. In the above mentioned shop you will buy them at low prices. Pick also a pack (100 ) of Astra Superior Platinum, i think are costing about $ 8.50, also some Arko Shaving sticks and if you like Boar Shaving brushes, buy the the No. 6 for $2.45. You cant go wrong.
I have a very wiry beard as well and these blades are one of my favourites. Sharp, smoother than a Feather, longer lasting than a Feather and a fair bit cheaper than a Feather. What's not to like?
In my top 5 blades. Sharp, smooth and excellent longevity due to the graceful way it loses sharpness.

The only foible I have found with it is that it is not at it's best in too mild a razor eg Krona.
I am on my second shave with one in my Slim. So far. two very smooth, close shaves. I was using Tabac this morning.

When I first tried the Perma-sharp Super I really liked it and then purchased several hundred from Bestshave at $20 per 100. I still have some but I have sold off most of my inventory and recently found the blade rougher than I originally remembered. At that price point I'd rather use a Gillette Silver Blue.
A real favorite. I popped a new one in an open comb Probak this morning and it was super smooth and sharp. For me, most blades will tug at least a little on the first WTG and also on the ATG pass, but not the Perma Sharp Super.
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