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Pen's English Fern after shave

Yes, I'd like to hear about this AS or at least a clone of it. Its very expensive and don't want to do a "blind buy".........as is I have the money:tongue_sm

I stumbled across this thread again and thought I'd give it a two-year bump. Who knows, maybe I'll have better luck. :biggrin1:
I stumbled across this thread again and thought I'd give it a two-year bump. Who knows, maybe I'll have better luck. :biggrin1:

Wow, you are so impatient!

I used to own it. Unfortunately, I didn't take pictures of the back of the box. Maybe the buyer will post here.
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I looked for a box and did not find it- I really like the fragrance but would never buy the AS splash again. Just not that effective for the price.
One if these days I'll see if they have a bottle of one of the Pen's aftershaves at Saks or Pastuer, and let you guys know what I find out about the ingredients.

Sounds like their EDTs are a much better investment, though.
One if these days I'll see if they have a bottle of one of the Pen's aftershaves at Saks or Pastuer, and let you guys know what I find out about the ingredients.

Sounds like their EDTs are a much better investment, though.

They do have the Pen's at Pasteur's,they have the splash and the edt as well,it's underneath the Speick products at the 34th st store.I took a sniff and liked it but I didn't look at the box with the ingredients.
I only have a sample. So, I cannot post the ingredients. But if you're looking for skin care, I'd look elsewhere. I don't really feel any menthol and the alcohol bite is pretty harsh, especially if the shave isn't perfect. It's not quite drying, but it's not moisturizing either.
I stopped into Pasteur this morning to check out the ingredients. I took a picture that didn’t come out that well, but here’s a shorthand version of the list: alcohol, witch hazel, water, fragrance, glycerin, additional fragrance ingredients, menthol, additional fragrance ingredients.
I have a bottle of Castile AS that I use on special occasions. I agree that it probably isn't cost-effective to use, but.... :001_wub:
I have the Pens BB and Eng Fern. All I can say is SWMBO loves both. The BB is more citrus/musk the EF is a woody fougre'. Not sure about ingredients.
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