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Penhaligons Racquets

Anyone know where Racquets can be purchased in any quantity? esp. a decant. I had a sample several years ago and loved it. I know it is discontinued, but I would love to find some.


B&B Tease-in-Residence
I bought three bottles when I heard they were discontinuing it. It is definitely one of my favorite scents.
pulled out the Racquets again this afternoon.
It paired just wonderfully with the Myrsol K.
Has a subtle, powdery scent, not powerful, that seems to last a few hours.
Totally pleasant.
I've got a couple spare backups.
Will those be enough, however??

Although I have seven bottles in reserve, I really wish they would bring this one back for the sake of traditional wet-shavers.
Thanks to a wonderful member, I was able to obtain some after searching for a while. There isn't much left out there in the wild. It's really a nice scent--it reminds me a lot of old barbershop, similar to Clubman but more sophisticated.
I found an unopened large bottle of RACQUETS in the back of my closet! That means that there is an opened one hiding in there as well! YAY! :thumbup:
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