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Penhaligon's creams

Just out of curiosity I was wondering if anyone knew all the different flavors has Penhaligon's created for their shaving creams. Off the top of my head, here are the ones I have seen pictured or owned.

Blenheim Bouquet
Opus 1870

Any others?
I've not tried any of them, but I'm pretty sure I saw a Hammam Bouquet shaving cream in the Shave Of The Day (SOTD) section about a week ago.
I think the only ones that are easilly attainable now are BB, 1870, and Endymion. I picked up Castille before it was discontinued and it is awesome.
I dont know all of them, but the ones I have tries are way overated!!


Just kidding, to each their own, but I find Blenhiem Bouquet to be one of the best creams out there. Castile was excellent as well...but hard to find now.

Just kidding, to each their own, but I find Blenhiem Bouquet to be one of the best creams out there.

I just got my own tube of this last week, and it is absolutely amazing. Every time I reach for something else, I have to struggle not to pass over it and grab up the BB cream. Incredibly good shaving cream!

Just kidding, to each their own, but I find Blenhiem Bouquet to be one of the best creams out there. Castile was excellent as well...but hard to find now.


Just used it for the first time yesterday. An insane amount of lather and a great scent. Finished off with the ASB...oh baby.
I was gifted a sample of the Blenheim Bouquet cream recently and was so impressed, I now have a full tub on the way! Wonderful stuff!
I dont know all of them, but the ones I have tries are way overated!!

I'm split on this issue. I do like the Douro shaving cream, but I also recognize that it is no better than a number of other English creams that cost less. It shaves well enough, but the best thing about it is the scent, which to my nose is the epitome of a high-class barbershop. In the end, the scent alone is the only thing that even remotely justifies the price of the cream, at least per my own preferences.

Per the OP, I can't think of any others, offhand. I do wish they'd bring back the Douro range, though. The bath soap was great too.
BB rocks, its by far the best cream out there IMO. Beats the 3T's, Edwin Jagger, Proraso, Musgo by a MILE!!

Castle Forbes, and AOS are close but don't get the cigar. As always YMMV.
I must admit I'm less than enamoured with 1870, smells great but very ordinary performance for me.

I thought the performance was fine, but the scent didn't do it for me. Too much of a nutmeg-like undertone. It almost reminded me of a very sophisticated bay rum.
I have to agree that I was a little underwhelmed with the performance of the cream the first few times using it. I will give it a shot with some bottled water later, but at this point I make a very subtle superlather. I just get the tips of my brush soapy using AOS unscented, and then hit the BB cream and that seems to make it all better. Everything is better with Tallow!!
Picked up the Blenheim Bouquet and Endymion sets (body wash, shave cream, and balm) when they were 1/2 price, and they have both been extremely good, both in performance and scent.

Amazing creams IMHO, but dang they are a bit pricey, plus, I like the scents so much I have to buy the EDt at full price - ouch!
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A huge +1 on BB as the best of the best in creams. The only close contenders I have found so far are Castle Forbes Lime and Acqua di Parma.
I have to agree that I was a little underwhelmed with the performance of the cream the first few times using it. I will give it a shot with some bottled water later, but at this point I make a very subtle superlather. I just get the tips of my brush soapy using AOS unscented, and then hit the BB cream and that seems to make it all better. Everything is better with Tallow!!

Try it with MWF. I did a superlather with BB cream awhile ago, and it blew me away.

I've used both the BB and Endymion and found these to be excellent performers. The difference in lather quality from most other creams I've used is pretty noticeable. Never bought any because the scents are really not for me.

Maybe 5-6 months ago I was able to purchase a few tubes of Penhaligons Racquets SC from a forum member. No idea when production of this stopped, but it's a dead ringer for the cologne of the same name. Medium strength that lasts throughout my multiple passes. Performance is the same as the other Pens I've used. Very classy stuff.

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