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Paypal advice please

Not sure where this should be posted, so will try here. I buy a lot (too much) on the bay, but have been thinking of selling (unloading:tongue_sm) some of my spare shaving gear here. I checked with paypal and I have a Premier account, whatever that is. Does this mean I can start selling ??? The paypal site is not vey helpful and I know there are some really experienced folks here. If I do list something, do I just send the buyer my paypal E-mail address and paypal does the rest? Spending money is easy, this stuff is much more difficult.

Thanks for any assistance you veteranos can give me.
Bruce in southern Utah
Yep. You sell and give them your paypal and the money goes to your paypal account minus fees 3% I think. Then you can transfer them to your bank ,have them mailed to you or what I do....spend them again. Your paypal balance will always be used first for a purchase then credit card or bank account.
Not sure where this should be posted, so will try here. I buy a lot (too much) on the bay, but have been thinking of selling (unloading:tongue_sm) some of my spare shaving gear here. I checked with paypal and I have a Premier account, whatever that is. Does this mean I can start selling ??? The paypal site is not vey helpful and I know there are some really experienced folks here. If I do list something, do I just send the buyer my paypal E-mail address and paypal does the rest? Spending money is easy, this stuff is much more difficult.

Thanks for any assistance you veteranos can give me.
Bruce in southern Utah

Hi Bruce,
Yes, when a buyer PM's you to buy an item, PM him,her your Paypal email address. Shortly after they pay you it will show up on your email then you can send the item off to the buyer. Hope that helps.
Paypal is Coin of the Realm here on B&B. Just like you, I've bought a lot of things, sold a couple of items ... you really can't do much of anything without PayPal.

You can get around the 3% fee by specifying that the buyer mark the transaction as Personal/Othe, and fund the transaction from a checking or savings account, rather than a credit card. This way, you (the seller) get the full value of whatever the buyer is sending you, without PayPal taking a slice.

The only downside to this method is that you have to make out the shipping label by hand, instead of printing it directly from the PayPal invoice. Make sure the buyer gives you their address in the comments section of the invoice, or in a PM ... to be on the safe side, I always do it in both places when I'm buying something.
You can get around the 3% fee by specifying that the buyer mark the transaction as Personal/Othe, and fund the transaction from a checking or savings account, rather than a credit card. This way, you (the seller) get the full value of whatever the buyer is sending you, without PayPal taking a slice.

Before the mods get to this, I should probably point out that that's against B/S/T (and Paypal) policy and voids the buyer protection that Paypal affords. Even on forums that don't have a rule against asking for personal payments, I typically offer the 3% extra for a "real" payment on the assumption that, if I get stiffed or defrauded, it'll probably be worth it.

ED: I think there's also a limit on how much you can receive per month with a personal account, but that's not going to be a problem unless you start selling off lots of fancy brushes or something. (It's a bigger deal on, say, Head-fi, where people are routinely B/S/T'ing amounts in the multi-hundreds). You can eventually upgrade to a free seller account (I can't remember what it's called...premier or something? It starts with a P.) I think you might have to have a confirmed address for that, which basically means an address that's tied to your bank account.
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A Premier account means that you can accept payments from people using credit cards. Makes life easier for you when you want to sell.

Selling on B&B is much better than eBay. You still pay the fees to PayPal, but not the even higher fees that eBay charges, and the transactions are a bit friendlier on B&B.

PayPal is very easy to use. My PayPal username is my email address, so it's very convenient and you can send or receive money instantly. It makes your life that much easier when you want to buy/sell something online. A number of online vendors are starting to accept PayPal too.

Good Luck!
Selling on B&B is much better than eBay. You still pay the fees to PayPal, but not the even higher fees that eBay charges, and the transactions are a bit friendlier on B&B.

+1, keeping in mind of course that selling on B&B isn't for making huge profits but to keep prices fair and keeping the gear alive. Just because Fatboys sell for $100 on Ebay doesn't mean they are actually worth $100. If high returns are your motivation, most of us would prefer you go to Ebay and not here. Just keep that in mind. :thumbup1:
I want to thank everyone...what I did not want to happen was for me to list something here and then run into problems when the buyer could not use paypal for some reason. I asked a simiar question several years ago when I was buying. Now the shoe is on the other foot, or is it the blade on the other cheek:glare: and I am the seller. Actually, buying is much more fun.

As far as E-bay goes, I inagine they have ways to easy my transition to the ranks of the sellers, as well as ease $ out of my wallet out for their extra fees. No sense selling any shaving stuff there when B&B is here, but I've managed to accumulate other extraneous 'stuff' which might do OK on the Bay.
Paypal gives you the option to send an invoice to someone else's paypal address. While logged into paypal, hit the 'request money' tab. Right below that a 'create invoice' link will show up. Couldn't be easier, and it gives your buyer peace of mind having a paper trail.
Paypal is a bit confusing to me. I'm not sure for instance how international payments are handled; I read somewhere that you as a buyer can specify if the fees are on you or the seller? I mean if you buy here on B&B, there is no invoice and you have to figure it out yourself. Also, is credit card the only option in international transactions? I only have my credit card linked to my Paypal, I don't know if it's even possible to pay from your bank account with Paypal here in Europe?
I'm not sure for instance how international payments are handled; I read somewhere that you as a buyer can specify if the fees are on you or the seller?
The ability to choose who pays the fee only applies to personal payments (intended for sending money to family and friends). Normally when you're buying something you'd select the goods/merchandise option and the seller will pay the fee.

The only difference between local and international payments are that the fees are a little bit higher for international payments.

I mean if you buy here on B&B, there is no invoice and you have to figure it out yourself.

Just send the seller the amount you've agreed on in the currency the seller uses. The buyer pays any currency conversion fees (which are built into paypal's conversion rate) and the seller pays the fee for accepting the payment as usual.

Also, is credit card the only option in international transactions? I only have my credit card linked to my Paypal, I don't know if it's even possible to pay from your bank account with Paypal here in Europe?

Each country has their own rules, but if you can use a bank account to fund local purchases, then you should be able to fund international purchases that way too.
I mean if you buy here on B&B, there is no invoice and you have to figure it out yourself.

A PayPal seller can send an invoice to his buyer -- just give the seller your PayPal address and point him to the "request money" link. I'm sure most sellers won't mind helping you give them money.
One thing I've done before is make 2 payments to a B&B seller.

The first payment is for the full asking price and per B&B rules which doesn't allow payments to be made as Gift, I send that payment as Goods.

Then I make another payment to that seller in the mount of 2.9% plus 30 cents which is the PayPal fees PayPal charges the seller for goods under $3,000 and in which PayPal deducted from the seller out of the first payment. I make this payment as Gift so no fees come out of it.

Now the seller has the full asking price, he/she and I have PayPal protection for the actual goods being bought and B&B rules aren't broken.

This is especially useful for sellers who are selling things cheaply and including shipping, such as a $10 razor.
One thing I've done before is make 2 payments to a B&B seller.

The first payment is for the full asking price and per B&B rules which doesn't allow payments to be made as Gift, I send that payment as Goods.

Then I make another payment to that seller in the mount of 2.9% plus 30 cents which is the PayPal fees PayPal charges the seller for goods under $3,000 and in which PayPal deducted from the seller out of the first payment. I make this payment as Gift so no fees come out of it.

Now the seller has the full asking price, he/she and I have PayPal protection for the actual goods being bought and B&B rules aren't broken.

This is especially useful for sellers who are selling things cheaply and including shipping, such as a $10 razor.
You can also specify that PayPal charge the fees directly to you, the buyer. Then, the seller receives the full amount, you get the protection, and you only have to do one transaction.
You can also specify that PayPal charge the fees directly to you, the buyer. Then, the seller receives the full amount, you get the protection, and you only have to do one transaction.

I've never seen that option when I send a payment to someone for Goods and I've been using PayPal since PayPal started. I guess I'll have to look harder for that option. Thanks for the heads-up. The only option I've seen where you can do something similar is if paying conversion rates, you, as the buyer, can choose to pay the conversion fees.
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