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Paul Revere Injector and questions...

I had my first shave with a Schick "Paul Revere" handle injector. I traded another member on the BST for my Fatboy.

This was my first time shaving with an SE. It was nearly identical to shaving with a cartridge. The shave was not as close as a DE, but it was easy and nick free. I used some injector blades I purchased from CVS (I tried Wally world, but they didn't carry them)... 11 blades for $4.99, so the cost is on par with a pack of Feathers, but the blades are not nearly as sharp.

I do like the feel of the razor and see this being a handy tool for those days when a quick shave is preferable over a BBS one. It is also the perfect razor for getting the back of my neck (DE's seem a little unwieldy for this). And the small size of the head makes it super maneuverable.

So, now I have a minor case of RAD and want to know if there are some highly recommended injector models (e.g., adjustables, etc..)?

What are my options as far as blades are concerned... so far I know of Ted Pella, Schick and the CVS brand?

Here is a pic of the Paul Revere handled Schick injector (can anyone date this?):

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I also have the Paul Revere which is my favorite injector. This would be a great razor for a newbie starting to wetshave because of the similiarities to a cartridge razor. A little less agressive than the old model injectors this is a great in the dark with your eyes closed and in a hurry razor!

Try an older model injector with a cool handle color, there are many at low prices on the Bay. Admitately I've purchased a few injectors because of the handle colors (Aqua, tortoise, bone, black) but I always prefer the Revere.

You hear how good Ted Pella blades are on this forum, and they are, however decent blades can be found in the drugstores. It's hit or miss sometimes on the same CVS type blades though. One of the best blades used in my injector were from Rite-Aide and one of the worst blades used were from Rite-Aide!
. . .It was nearly identical to shaving with a cartridge. The shave was not as close as a DE, but it was easy and nick free. . . .So, now I have a minor case of RAD and want to know if there are some highly recommended injector models (e.g., adjustables, etc..)? . . .Here is a pic of the Paul Revere handled Schick injector (can anyone date this?):

I've found that I can get close shaves with mine. This recent thread had some hints, principally experimenting with the angle.

This page has a lot of information on Schicks razors. According to it, the Revere handled model would be from the early 70s. Very pretty. I have the more pedestrian plastic handled kind.
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As Slivovitz states, the Revere razors are from the 70's. I started shaving with a DE then quickly moved to an injector just to be different from my Dad (kids...:001_huh:). I ordered my Revere handle from a response card on the blade package for the kingly ransom of $5, if my memory serves me. It was delivered in a padded mailing envelope. I used that thing through high school, college and a few years after until it was broken during a business trip! You see, the internals are plastic and the head separated from the handle. After three short-lived repairs, I finally ditched it.

The shave quality is very much dependent on your angle. I also really loved how smoothly I could go ATG - I can still feel my pinky on the end curve of the handle - and under the nose. Although the injector doesn't "sing" like a Gem or Ever-Ready, they do speak more than your typical DE. Listen for it.

As a WAG, this was probably made in 1974-76. Everything was Revolutionary War themed, from stamps to firearms to razors and everything inbetween during the Bicentennial. Probably more fake pewter mugs made them then in the rest of US history!
Should have mentioned that there are all sorts of injectors out there, mostly Schicks but Pal, Personna and even Gillette, IIRC, made them. Then there are the specialty models as you have. I have found that the longer handled varieties work best for me. I have used a yellow Easyrider for several years now with great success. Just run injector under razors on E-bay and see what you get.
Great story!

The razor is very comfortable and forgiving. I feel like there is a very slight movement in the handle when I move the razor in a quick motion, but there is no sounds and the razor itself seems firm... it's kind of bizarre... maybe its water?

As Slivovitz states, the Revere razors are from the 70's. I started shaving with a DE then quickly moved to an injector just to be different from my Dad (kids...:001_huh:). I ordered my Revere handle from a response card on the blade package for the kingly ransom of $5, if my memory serves me. It was delivered in a padded mailing envelope. I used that thing through high school, college and a few years after until it was broken during a business trip! You see, the internals are plastic and the head separated from the handle. After three short-lived repairs, I finally ditched it.

The shave quality is very much dependent on your angle. I also really loved how smoothly I could go ATG - I can still feel my pinky on the end curve of the handle - and under the nose. Although the injector doesn't "sing" like a Gem or Ever-Ready, they do speak more than your typical DE. Listen for it.

I sure wish there was a definitive way to date this... it could potentially be a birth year razor.

As a WAG, this was probably made in 1974-76. Everything was Revolutionary War themed, from stamps to firearms to razors and everything inbetween during the Bicentennial. Probably more fake pewter mugs made them then in the rest of US history!
As Slivovitz states, the Revere razors are from the 70's. I started shaving with a DE then quickly moved to an injector just to be different from my Dad (kids...:001_huh:). I ordered my Revere handle from a response card on the blade package for the kingly ransom of $5, if my memory serves me. It was delivered in a padded mailing envelope. I used that thing through high school, college and a few years after until it was broken during a business trip! You see, the internals are plastic and the head separated from the handle. After three short-lived repairs, I finally ditched it.

The shave quality is very much dependent on your angle. I also really loved how smoothly I could go ATG - I can still feel my pinky on the end curve of the handle - and under the nose. Although the injector doesn't "sing" like a Gem or Ever-Ready, they do speak more than your typical DE. Listen for it.

I had one of those in the 70's and have been trying to remeber how I got it. I clearly remember it coming in the mail but forgot how I came about oredering it. Thanks for the memory jog.
Just thought I'd add... I love the shave from my Revere injector, but I have a hard time taking myself seriously seeing the size of that razor in the mirror! Looks like something a circus clown would use:lol:
... but I have a hard time taking myself seriously seeing the size of that razor in the mirror! Looks like something a circus clown would use:lol:

Just imagine all the abuse I took in college for this thing! Not only was I the only guy using a SE razor (everybody else used cartridges), but I was also the only guy lathering soap with a brush! I was a target no matter which way I turned. But my girlfriend (now wife), always liked how close my shave still was at the end of the day!:thumbup:

Check E-bay. They won't usually be listed under Revere, but a search for International Silver (one of the manufacturers) or Trac-2 will turn up several. There seems to be a company which still makes silver and gold plates ones, but unsure of their quality.
That looks like the International Silver version of the "Paul Revere", which was of course developed in the 1970's. This razor can be differentiated from the other 1970 model due to its handle which has been seen by many as looking like "tableware". If anyone is interested here is the link to a history of the schick injector razor, http://www.safetyrazors.net/schick/schicktech.htm
I've been looking for one of these for a while and I managed to grab one last week on eBay as part of a lot. Luckily the seller didn't know what it was.
The International Silver Paul Revere is probably one of 4 highly collectable Schick injectors. The others being the '46 and '47 Christmas Editions with the gold plated handles and the Golden 500. Hopefully mine will roll up sometime next week.

Far be it from an Australian to tell you about the razor but the International Silver Paul Revere is shaped like a cutlery handle because Paul Revere apart from being a Patriot, was a Silversmith and made some very nice pieces of tableware silver.
I have the Revere handled Schick 2 handle; would have preferred the injector version but blades were beginning to become difficult to obtain in the '70s. Little did I know that when cartridges replaced blades; 3 blades would follow 2, etc., or I would have selected the injector version. It is for sale; the Trac 2 type cartridges of today seem thicker and obtaining a good shave seems affected by this.
I have one, bought new in the early 70s. Wish I could tell you exactly what year but... I guess 1974 or so.

I discuss its build quality in this thread which also has a group picture:

As for prices I think a new high was paid a week or two ago on that auction site.... $125 :w00t: Unfortunately I wonder if the bidder really knew the product. That plus some wording in the listing that might have mislead bidders into thinking this puppy had a substantial quantity of real silver in it.... NOT!
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