Coming soon Parker's Solo razor which uses 1/2 of a DE blade. Decent price includes 100 blades. The handle made of brass/chrome and the head who knows but it is chromed.
Coming soon to Super Safety RazorsAnyone know where you can buy one of these?
Nice link. Thank You.For info. Look great to me.
SoloEdge Parker Single Edge Safety Razor • Parker Shaving
he SoloEdge single edge safety razor is the perfect safety razor for new and experienced wet shavers looking for the blade angle of a cartridge razor with the benefits of a safety
The head is molded from a metallic alloy and satin chrome plated.Coming soon Parker's Solo razor which uses 1/2 of a DE blade. Decent price includes 100 blades. The handle made of brass/chrome and the head who knows but it is chromed.
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Pearl is probably stealing Parkers design. Haha!Pearl in India is also working on a half DE single edge razor too, from hints I've read on the wetshavers India subreddit.