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Parker razors...?

Fit; finish, etc. Ive got razors all similiar from the other brands and am looking at a Parker 82 maybe??? ( Even though I believe its a TTO model)

How do you all like them? Good quality? worth the $$..??

Anyway, any good input greatly appreciated
They're better than they used to be.

I hear they have made big strides in quality and finish. Consistency seemed to be an issue with early models, but recently their newer models don't get much flack.

I take that as good. It seems most people are apt to post about things when they have a complaint. It is much rarer for someone to take the same initiative to take the time and post online that something was decent or acceptable. No one's shaking poms poms and cheer-leading them very much. No ones crying about them very much though.

I had one about two years ago and broke it playing around with it. It was a little aggressive. Mantic has some back and forth with the company that makes them on his blog.
I have the 65r and like it a lot.

My main razor is the G-Bar Heavy Flat Top (single edge/SE) and I would say the 65r is more aggressive. Somewhere between the OCMM and the G-Bar. The finish is better then good but I imagine Merkur or other similar models to be better. I have no experience with Merkur so I can't really compare. For me the 65r looks damn good and has a heft to it. Many reviews comment on the blade exposure and how it is uneven, mine is even and I have no problems.

It will never replace my G-Bar but it sho luk purrtee. :thumbup:
I have found their overall quality sucks. If you do buy one- make sure they have a good return policy where you get it.
I have 5 Parker models. 22R TTO(which I gave to my son), 45R/48R/91R (closed comb) and 99R TTO. All them have served really well and they are good quality razors. Finish is not the same level than Muhle but not in a bad level either. I disagree that overall quality sucks. For example I have fatip head where blade gap is a bit uneven. Do I say that fatip overall quality sucks. NO. I am using and enjoying to use different kind of razors and having a good time with variety. Parker handles are great, I love heavier handles and those fit me perfectly. Handle feeling is better than in muhle R41/R89. Heavier handle gives a good stability which I like. Some people say that heavier handle increase the aggressiveness. For me it's not a problem because I use zero pressure. I have learnt that from straight razors and it gives me a great results.
99R is the mildest razor, really short blade exposure comparing to 22R (much lighter handle). 22R is close to closed combs
Closed comb head (45/48/91) is great upper medium and a bit towards aggressive head. Like all aggressive heads (R41/fatip/progress in high settings), it needs to pay more attention to shave than with milder heads. One of my best shaves I have had with 91R+Gillette silver blue. Really irritation free shave and as close as I have shaved with great straight razor. In my scale R41 is clear winner but next might come parker over the fatip.
Parker razors are really worth to try. Good razors for me because I don't care about expensive ones and don't want to spend $100 or more for one razor. Money doesn't bring me any better shave results. It only brings more variability. Is it worth to it? Well, that is really another story and highly YMMV thing.
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I have two (well one right now as I gave one to my nephew).

The 96R (that I gave) and the 60R, both have the exact same head, but I've already ordered another 96R.

I love them, and have no desire to bother with anything else.

I did a full review/comparison with images between the 96R and a Gillette slim.

The haters can go on all they want but they'll never get me to switch.

I enjoy the TTO type and after comparing my Parker to the classic Gillette and other brands, I'm very happy with it.
I did a full review/comparison with images between the 96R and a Gillette slim.

The haters can go on all they want but they'll never get me to switch.

Thanks for that review. +1 for the lower comment.
Those overall quality sucks comments comes just from the haters. Overall quality means to me head, handle, balance, finish, fit, price, weight, aggressiveness among other characters. If all those character sucks then person who says that must be a blind.
I don't say that Parkers are best what you can get but there are a lot of much worse razors out there. I think that every maker have their own pros and cons.
People should have more tolerance.
Those overall quality sucks comments comes just from the haters. Overall quality means to me . If all those character sucks then person who says that must be a blind.
I don't say that Parkers are best what you can get but there are a lot of much worse razors out there. I think that every maker have their own pros and cons.
People should have more tolerance.

Then I am in the camp with the other blind B&B members. I have only used two of these, I felt that the overall quality, meaning "head, handle, balance, finish, fit, price, weight, aggressiveness among other characters" like tolerance especially, was lacking.

If you are looking to pick one up, go for it, they have their supporters (which usually means there is something to the razor) and you may become one of them. Personally, I feel like Parker is out of place next to vintage Gillette, Merkur, EJ, Muhle, etc.
I'm a fan of TTO's so I picked up the 82r and found it to be a solid razor IMHO. Didn't seem light or 'cheap.'
I've used some of their handles with the head from my L6 with great results. Though I can't speak for the shave-quality, the handles themselves are quite nice, and all-brass construction is a rare and nice touch.
My first DE razor was a 22R, which I bought probably five years ago. Quality and durability was perfectly fine and the price (under $30) was right. If I hadn't been convinced by the enablers here to go for vintage Gillettes, Merkur Slants and the R41, I'd still be using it.

Personally, with so many good vintage razors selling for $15-$30, I don't see much point for paying much more for a regular 'new' razor, unless it's something specialized like the aforementioned Slant or R41.
I have only used two of these, I felt that the overall quality, meaning "head, handle, balance, finish, fit, price, weight, aggressiveness among other characters" like tolerance especially, was lacking.
Please, could you enlighten us and be more specific. I would gladly like to hear how ALL those characters were lacking. All with the same, just one razor and then another one too with you? Tell me for example how do you got a disappointment about your parker razor weight or head's aggressiveness. Weight is easily to get from the seller and in B&B forum are a lot of comments that parker heads shave quite aggressive way. So both of them should not be a big suprise for you when got your razors. I understand that if in head's finish and glimmer is something what is "lacking" but that doesn't make me feel to say that parkers are crap and they cannot shave and everybody should avoid them. You get the point?
I must be a really lucky guy, because I have ordered 5 and all of them shaved nicely. Or maybe I am realistic and don't expect perfectionism from a $35 razor.
I just enjoy shaving with great razors like Parker, muhle, merkur, Gillette, fatip.
I have an EJ DE 89, a Parker 99R, a Blue Tip SS, a 40's SS, a Flare Tip SS and a OC new. The Parker 99R was my first razor and I found that it does a great job and has no fit/finish flaws or any mechanical issues. I've also never run into the uneven blade placement issue users seem to complain about in the earlier models. I could have been lucky to not get a lemon or Parker upped their QC, but the 99R comes with my recommendations- plus the long heavy handle is awesome.

You have five of these razors, you clearly like them. That doesn't mean I have to. Calling others who have a differing opinion to yours blind isn't fair. I assure you, not to mention the other two members, Alex2363 has shown on a number of occasions through his contributions to DE threads that he is quite capable of seeing the difference between one razor and the next.
Please, could you enlighten us and be more specific. I would gladly like to hear how ALL those characters were lacking. All with the same, just one razor and then another one too with you? Tell me for example how do you got a disappointment about your parker razor weight or head's aggressiveness. Weight is easily to get from the seller and in B&B forum are a lot of comments that parker heads shave quite aggressive way. So both of them should not be a big suprise for you when got your razors.
I did not say I was surprised. I like to try razors regardless of their reputation. On this case, though I was not surprised, I did not like the razor. I am not willing create a 2000 word write-up regarding every finer detail that made me not like the razor. The overall look, feel, mechanics, and shave was lacking in my opinion. I did not enjoy looking at the razors, holding them, shaving with them, or operating them.

I understand that if in head's finish and glimmer is something what is "lacking" but that doesn't make me feel to say that parkers are crap and they cannot shave and everybody should avoid them. You get the point?
I am by no means saying this, I am not sure why you want to turn this into something it is not. I simply said that the quality was lacking, not that the razor is "crap" (to use your words). I also did not say everyone should avoid them (as you say). In fact I alluded to the idea that there must be something nice about these razors and suggested the OP pick one up if he is interested in them.

I must be a really lucky guy, because I have ordered 5 and all of them shaved nicely. Or maybe I am realistic and don't expect perfectionism from a $35 razor.
I just enjoy shaving with great razors like Parker, muhle, merkur, Gillette, fatip.
Therein lies the rub, neither me or the other dissenters mentioned price, just quality. If you want to make the case that these are a good cheap razor, you may find more support. Personally I am not that concerned about saving $10 just to be happy with an inferior razor.

Again, I love seeing threads where members, like yourself, share fondness for a less talked about razor. It is nice to see all the razors on the market get some attention. At the end of the day, the more companies there are in the game selling more razors, the better it is for all of us. But, that doesn't mean that everyone has to have the same opinion on razors.
I had a Parker4 29L about six months ago, which is one of their newest models, and patterned after a Lady Gillette. It's quality was passable, as long as you don't compare it with other TTO's. If you compare it with an actual Lady Gillette, you will see the construction is much cheaper, and no where near as robust. It did shave just fine, had no plating issues, and the blade did center properly.

However, you can pick up a great condition Lady Gillette for basically the same price; I see no need to own a (poorly made) clone when the real thing is still widely available.

I would only recommend the Parker if you were dead set on owning a brand new TTO, as Parker is one of the few companies that actually make a new TTO (the others being Weishi, and Ming Shi/ Derby/ Shaving Factory (exact same razor under different names).
Peace. No problems in here.
I have no problems with your or anobody else's different opinion than mine. I don't praise any maker over another. Believe me or not, I can see the differences between the razors like many people here do.
"Again, I love seeing threads where members, like yourself, share fondness for a less talked about razor." Sure, I believe that but I still disagree those comments "overall quality sucks". It looks like that overall word means haters something else what it means to me.
Actually I bought some Parkers just for the handle, love the shaving with those heads too, but main interest is to change handles to fatip, muhle, merkur etc.
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