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Parker 61 price

What is a fair price for a Parker 61 (with capillary fill system)? It is black with chrome cap in nice, functioning condition. I happened onto one in the original box. Asking price is $35. There is also a 1/2 full bottle of permanent turquoise Quink for $8. I've only bought vintage Shaeffer pens so I'm unsure of values. Thanks!


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Pounce on that like a Puddy Cat on a Tweety Bird. The only drawback of that pen (apart from the gold arrow falling off) is they are a PITA to flush. If you have a regular ink you like to use, it will be a great everyday pen.

I've got one, but I'm so fickle with inks it has never really gotten any use. But the day I nail down a go-to ink for life, that puppy is in the rotation.
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I beg to differ legion. A childrens snot sucker cut to fit tightly over the capillary makes flushing a breeze


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Yeah, I need to get one of them. I was actually thinking a modified bulb from a photographic dust blower might also work, and I can lay my hands on one of them more easily.
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