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Parfum d'Empire

Fella's have you experianced this fragrance house?

i've sampled the Iskander and it was wonderful, it reminded me of a very wearable Blenhiem without all the pine and without all the arrogance.

also, the Fougere Bengale is an experiance, very spicy and very oriental, along similar lines as Pens Hammam without some of the love and sans the rose notes.

however, take a look at Ambre Russie, it looks phenomenal on paper, and so does the Cuir Ottoman. Both get decent reviews from LT.

Do you guys have any experiance with the house?

I'll post some thoughts as soon as the decants come in!
I've tried many of their frags - I like the concepts behind them. I am not, however, a fan of the concept's execution. I thought I liked Fougere Bengale enough to pick up a bottle. Once I got the bottle, I realize I was mistaken.
I've tried many of their frags - I like the concepts behind them. I am not, however, a fan of the concept's execution. I thought I liked Fougere Bengale enough to pick up a bottle. Once I got the bottle, I realize I was mistaken.

Henry, it was your sample from some time ago, i dug out last night!

it wasn't up my alley either, however the looks of the Cuir and the Ambre make me hopeful, but perhaps its also just the price tag. Parfum d'Empire is one of the few perfumers selling bottles under $100 on LuckyScent.
And big bottles too. If you find yourself wishing to smell like garam masala, let me know. I've an untouched bottle of it known by an alternative name, Fougere Bengale.
Since I am travelling, I don't have the cologne options I normally have. Being sick of what I brought, I looked around and found some GIT tucked in the back of a closet. Used it today. It smells very much like Fougere Bengale.
Since I am travelling, I don't have the cologne options I normally have. Being sick of what I brought, I looked around and found some GIT tucked in the back of a closet. Used it today. It smells very much like Fougere Bengale.

No kidding? I only sampled the F.B. on the back of my hand last night and it was quite the experiance. however, so is GIT, and it's also an experiance i don't need to have too often.
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