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Parenting Magazine June 2012 Cover

Was surprised to see this in the mail last week.




And as an FYI... the "F Word" is Fail.
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Anything about shaving inside, or is it just the cover?

I'll confess... I didn't really look too hard. There was a small inset about the editor and it had a separate picture of his two sons (these kids) with brushes and he was with them. Quick scan of the write up didn't really say anything about shaving that I saw. Not sure about the rest of the magazine.
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Perfectly reasonable for a couple little kids to make their own lather for a photo shoot. Good gravy.
It also appears they didn't lather their moustache area either!!! *SHOCK*

Because I am sure they let the kids put it on their face

They didnt wipe it on perfectly and say "hold this and smile"

Half assed photo shoot not to make lather
Yeah I was gonna guess the F word is "Fail" or "Failure".

With today's society..it had to be...they sure as heck wouldn't do an article on the OTHER F word. :lol:
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